03 | Something More Enjoyable

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There are strange phenomenon happened in this world that science still can't explain. When faced with them, common people can't help but Fall into the depth of despair.

To bring light into this chaotic darkness, we got individual who still fight everyday. People usually called them by one name

A psychic

Mob, or so he called himself, is a 28 year old overpowered psychic, an esper. He lives with his power from born to this day make him face a lot of dangerous situation.

Yes , a lot has happened that make him lost his house. In short,  he ' accidentally ' saved a mid schooler named Reigen and stayed for a night.

Today, Reigen just help him get his new house, and that is free for one month. He really thankful for Reigen so he promised to listen to one Reigen's wish.

And now the time has come. They both stand up at bus stop waiting for someone they don't even know.

Mob wearing his normal black high neck and long Coat. Reigen wearing a formal grey shirt and brown vest

" They should be coming soon "

Said Reigen as he looking at the clock on his phone. Then a black fancy looking car stopped right in front of them. The front window opened shows a man with sunglasses and black suit

" Are you Reigen Arataka? "

" Yes sir"

" And the man behind you? "

" Um... Let's say he's my bodyguard? "

The man then looking at Mob with flat face before saying

" Come in "

Reigen then entered the car first. Mob who had doubts about this man could only let out a small sigh before entering too.

Mob heard it from Reigen last night. He promised to listen to one Reigen's wish so he can't reject it at all. He didn't have the mood to do this in the first place, that's why he just stay quiet since morning

There's one tweet that's goes trending just like a week ago. A user named Mr. Good said that his son has been missing due to supernatural phenomenon, whoever can bring his son back, he'll pay one million yen in return.

no one knows the continuation of the story. some say their child has been taken by an evil demon, some say their child has been abused to the point of having a mental disorder, but in essence, until now no one has managed to solve the problem.

Mob doesn't know much but listen to Reigen, it seems like he'll looking for a child. He has no clue how is this related to his psychic powers

By the time, they arrived to a huge mansion. security guard open up the gate for them and they stopped right in front of that huge building. A white haired man with the same suit come to them and opened the door car.

" Welcome, master Reigen, master Mob, please go this way"

" O-oh thank you"

Reigen get nervous looking at this fancy aura and treated like a high-ranking person. They both then entering the mansion, looking everywhere is full of expensive stuff.

Like that small lamp on the wall, it might cost a hundred yen. No wonder though, Mr good is famous for his wealth.

Unable to bear the silence, Reigen then started the conversation

" Excuse me, are you that famous Mr. Good?"

The man then answer

" No, Due to business reasons, my master is now unable to attend. I am his child caretaker, my name is Hayasaka Hiroki "

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