08| We Are Same

160 13 3

Bak Buk Buak Brak

" Hahahahaha! That's Teru-san for you! "

" As expected even that troublesome Onigawara was subdued! "

a group of thugs laughed at four men who were lying weakly at the end of a small and dark alley. In the middle of them, their leader, Hanazawa Teruki, a man with dark purple suit and blonde hair is the one that finished them off.

" Tch, y'all called me for this kind of trash? even babies are more independent! "

Shout him to his useless people that been beaten up by a civilian. Those people can't help but looking down for themselves

" W-we're sorry... But they started it first... We will do anything for you Teru-san "

Teru thinking for a while before saying

" ... the girl named Yuki, she said she wanted to go shopping, go with her! I don't have shit to give anymore "

" Yes of course Teru-san we'll make her happy "

" You don't have to try... "

Teru walked from them followed by his people leaving the already beaten up man in darkness. One of them crawling to other

" T-Tenga-san... Are you okay... ? "

" N...nah looks like I have a lot of bruises..."

None of them can even stand or sit on their back

" I told you to stop though... why challenge those black vinegar people... "

" If it'd be like this I have no choice but to involve him "

" 'Him' you mean senpai?! But isn't he doesn't like to involved to this kind of thing?"

" We can't let those bastards extort us anymore! And I heard he just make a business around here lately"

In that dark little alley, the mortally wounded man hatches a plan to pit the others against each other.

A day after, the sun rise as it usually does everyday so goes on everyone's daily routine

It's been two months since Mob and Reigen working on Spirit and such office along with the time Mob joined Body improvement community.

Each morning when Reigen goes to school, Mob always running with other members and also lifting weights. It was hard at first but his stamina build stronger than before he can feel that he's changed into someone better

But that's just untill today

Mob cooled down after running for quite a while, he had enough exercise today and decided to end it

" Musashi-san, I'll go work now. Thank you for today"

He said to Musashi Goda, the owner of body improvement center

" Yes God job! See you tomorrow! "

The person Mob want to avoid at first is actually not annoying at all, instead, it's kinda fun to talk to him.

Mob closed the door and walked upstairs to his house

" Yo good morning! "

Ekubo, a high level evil spirit that ended up sticking to him now feel like a talking pet for Mob

" Morning... "

Mob answered without even looking at him

But he stopped when he realize there's something in his mailbox. He opened it and saw a white letter inside

Mob Psycho 100 : ageswap AUWhere stories live. Discover now