Chapter 3 ~ Captured.

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Your head felt like it was about to burst.

When the ringing in your ears faded, and you regained focus, you noticed you weren't back in the ballroom. Or in hell for that matter. You were laying in a beautifully decorated bed. The entire room was rather dark, and you couldn't see properly. Your head pounded, but you knew you had to get out of this place. Stumbling out of bed, you looked around for your tablet. It was nowhere to be found. The fear that the statues may have destroyed it crossed your mind. You panicked and searched for it, your pounding headache worsening the situation for you. You were on your knees searching through the drawers of a wardrobe when you heard the door open.

"What are you doing?"

It was a man's voice with a thick German accent. You snapped your head to look at the person, only to find another statue. This one was made out of green gemstone and was dressed in green and black. He has short curly hair and was staring you down with a pair of red glowing eyes. You stared it down, but it didn't matter. The statue walked over to you. "I saved you und this is the thanks i get?" You immediately stood up. "You saved me.. why!?" He crossed his arms. "I don't you have the right to give me that tone, peasant," he hissed at you. You fell silent, staring at him in disbelief. The statue sighed. "Call it boredom, interest, perhaps. You have very little to do here, so i might as well." You felt the color drain from your face. He was keeping your for entertainment. "What's your name?" The statue asked. "Y/n... who are you?"


Karl stood over you, giving you a cold look. "May i ask why you were rummaging through my possessions?" You decided it was best to be honest. "I was looking for my tablet!" He humorlessly chuckled, reaching into his coat before pulling it out. "You mean this device?" You just stared at him as he tucked it back into his coat. "You won't be needing it, anymore." As much as you wanted to argue, keeping the statue content was your first priority.  "And the other statues? Do they know i'm here?" Karl shook his head. "No, i never informed them, nor do i intend to."

"But how am i supposed to go around then?"

"You won't you shall stay here for the time being."

You didn't fully understand his motivations yet.  But at least you weren't dead. "You can stay here." Karl broke your pondering. "I can get you accommodations. But you shall not leave, understood?" You agreed, hoping this would get his guard down somewhat. "Right then. I already confiscated your shards, the others are already certain of your demise. Don't give them any inclination to think otherwise." He had a triumphant grin on his face. It seemed like he wanted to say something else, yet was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Karl, are you in there? We were awaiting your arrival, yet you never came."

This male voice had a British accent, contrasting with Karl's.

"Why? What's the matter?" Karl snapped back, trying his best to remain calm as he grabbed your wrist. It hurt, but you refrained from opening your mouth.

"We have not found that peasant yet. No blood, organs, nothing. We haven't located the device, either."

Karl backed away, opening the door to the wardrobe, ushering you in before swiftly shutting the door.

"Karl, what was that? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes. I'm quite alright. What is your plan?" You kept listening to the statues conversation, attempting to stay as still and quiet as possible. Your heart was racing and you felt adrenaline rise.

"We wish to keep searching. The other three are already spread out throughout the manor. I am heading out to the garden."

From the small gap you could see Karl's eye brows furrowed, racking his mind for excuses. After a small silence, he spoke up.

"Fine then, i shall help search within the manor. She was finished in the garden either way. So i assume that is no problem?"

"Alright, notify me of any suspicious activity."

A pair of heavy footsteps walked away from the door, and you saw Karl clench his fists. "Damn him," he hissed underneath his breath. Angrily adjusting his cravat, he marched back to the wardrobe. The jade statue opened the doors to see your trembling figure. "Right, i assume you heard him?" You nodded. "I want you to remain here. I shall give them the device." You opened your mouth to protest, but he raised his hand to signal you had to be silent. "It is this, or death, peasant." You looked down before nodding. "You shall stay here before i return. There are books on the shelf to entertain yourself with. Malak brought them in a long time back. Karl stepped away, allowing you to exit the wardrobe.  He opened the door slightly, looking around before walking out, shutting it behind him.

And you were left alone to plot once more.

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