Chapter 5 ~ Answer the door

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Karl lifted your shirt, taking a look at your back.

"You are truly foolish," he mumbled to himself. "I would have hoped a peasant would stay of sight." You didn't bother to argue against the prideful man, glad you weren't dead yet. "You reek of sweat, not to mention the state your garments are in." He brushed past you, opening the doors to his wardrobe. He pulled out some clothing of his, dumping them in your hands. He opened one of the doors in his spacious bedroom. It led to a small bathroom. "You..  have a bathroom?" He raised a brow, almost offended. "Unlike you lowly peasants we keep ourselves clean." You decided not to point out the hygiene of the elite a few centuries ago. "We have to keep ourselves polished, lest we risk getting dust and blood all over us." A discomfort washed over you. you only nodded, entering the bathroom. Karl gave you some privacy, shutting the door. You looked around. The bathroom too, was rather dark, lit up by a few candles. The floor was black with gold, and a mirror stood fixated against the wall. A luxurious bathtub was filled with warm water. It seemed Karl had already prepared it for you. A pleasant smell emitted from it. You took off your clothes, and stepped into the water.


Karl's clothes were rather big on you. It wasn't strange, considering how tall he was. You stood barefoot with a pair of his pants and one of his black button up shirts. You stepped back into the bedroom where Karl sat over a book by candle light. "You took quite a while," he hummed as he flipped one of the pages. He stood up, placing it down. "They are aware you are still alive." He began. "Unfortunately for you, that means you shall not leave this room." As disappointing as it sounded, you knew he was right. "I kept you alive, to prevent Bierce from winning." Now you understood his motives. It wasn't because he cared, obviously. "I don't believe how foolish you truly are, believing she would be your salvation."  He scoffed to himself. "No soul prevails in this realm, not you, not me, nobody." Something about him seemed more solemn. Now that you thought about it, you haven't heard Bierce in a bit. It was strange, maybe she pulled someone else to replace you.

 Your eyes drifted to the book, and you noticed the text was handwritten, cursive even. Karl must have seen the look on your face, as he reached out and closed the book.  "Do not take it too personal. We all are left behind at some point." He let out a scoff at the idea, standing up. He seemed a bit more.. normal now, more human.  "Do you feel exhausted, at all?" You didn't. To your surprise you felt none worse for wear. "I'm fine, so far." He nodded. "Time does not.. function properly here. Your wound has closed, yes?"

"Yes, it did. Luckily the cut wasn't so deep."

"That saves me time and effort, very well then."

You watched him set the book away in one of the shelves. You still had many questions about him, the other watchers and how they ended up here. But seeing how little Karl seemed to care about your well being , you figured you'd best to not push the issue. Karl opened his mouth to speak, but was promptly cut off by knocking on the door. "Again?" You heard him hiss under his breath. "Yes, yes what is it?"

"You'd best tell me."

It was the voice of Basil. Karl noted the look of sheer discomfort on your face, and he motioned for you to go hide. "Karl, i know you have the peasant there. Did you truly think you could fool us." You backed away from the door, inching closer towards the wardrobe. "And what reason do you have to be suspicious of me." A laugh sounded from the other side of the door. "If you wish to be so confident, you should have considered one simple thing." Karl looked as uncomfortable as you. "And what would that be?"

"Maybe you should have considered."

The door opened.

"Locking the door, no?"

Basil's eyes shifted to your trembling form. "Just as i thought," he chuckled to himself. "How.. strange of you, keeping a frail little lady in your room." Karl looked disgusted. "Do not suggest those things, Basil." The statue in white just grinned. "Come now, i am not here to get rid of your peasant, you needn't be so stiff."

"Then what are your motives for coming here?" Basil crossed his arms, leaning on the door frame. "Call it interest, boredom, perhaps. You know just as well as i, that entertainment is greatly lacking." Karl scoffed. "We are in hell Basil, we are not here because we were good men."

"That may be so." Basil took a step forward, shutting the door behind him. He looked at your frightened face. "No need to tremble, you wouldn't want the others hearing, would you now?" You didn't, forcing yourself to calm down a bit. "Now do you mind explaining your current presence?"

"I wanted to properly introduce myself to your little companion, is that so wrong?"

"We both know you have an ulterior motive. Do the other three know of Y/n's presence?"

Basil's eye lights appeared to flare up slightly. "Y/n, hm? Is that this peasant's name?" He walked up to you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "What an adorable name, for an adorable, weak, peasant." His taunt left a bitter taste in your mouth, your heart racing at his close proximity to you. "I would be rather appreciative if you did not avoid my question," Karl spoke through gritted teeth. Basil straightened his back, eyeing him with a smile.

"Do i truly need an explanation? It is no secret, Karl."

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