Chapter 4 ~ Discovered.

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(Have this meme by one of my discord members)

You sat down on the bed in defeat.

You were trapped in this manor with no means of escape. But the best thing you could do now was wait. You plucked one of the books off the shelf and laid down on Karl's soft bed. You were about to open it when you heard a different voice speak.

 "I tell you Basil, if we do not find that peasant, i shall search Karl's room."

"What reason do you have to suspect him, Cornelius?"

"He is has been acting strange, i shall tell you as much."

Your eyes widened as you snapped your head towards the door. If they were entering this room, you would no doubt be found. A plan formed in your mind. You would wait until they left, and sneak out. It was a risky move, but you preferred it over certain death. You could find your way back later. You closely listened for the voices. When you heard them fade away, you silently opened the door, looking around. You stepped out, shutting it behind you. Keeping close to the wall, you snuck through the dark parts of the manor. The thought of escaping went through your mind, but you knew you couldn't return to Bierce empty handed. You knew well enough she had no mercy or compassion in her soul.

Eventually you reached the lighter parts. Luckily, you hadn't encountered any of the statues yet. You thought it was slightly odd, as they were actively looking for you. You ventured down the stairs, past the ring piece. But you were alarmed by a pair of heavy footfalls. You bolted, hiding behind a pillar as you listened closely.

"I heard running..."

It sounded familiar, a light French accent.

"I know you're here."

A light chuckle sounded from the statue. "Why not just come out, i will make it quick, peasant." You pressed up against the wall further. "Who kept you hidden? Was it Karl? It could not have been Frederick.. neither Cornelius, neither would..." A hand grabbed the pillar you were hiding behind. "Do not think you can flee from me this easily." His voice sounded calm, almost amused. He grabbed you by the neck, dragging you from your hiding spot. You prevented yourself from screaming, not wanting to possibly alert the other statues. The statue smiled. You recognized the voice as Basil. "And where is your little device, hm?" He tilted his head. "Oh you poor foolish thing, did you loose it?" He tossed you to the floor. He took a tight hold of his axe. "If it makes you feel better.. you got further than the rest. But unfortunately, your life ends here.. just like ours." You were terrified, quickly backing away. "Don't be like that, this isn't the worst place to end up..." Basil mumbled as he leaned down, grabbing your ankle, dragging you back. Your fearful, pleading expression did nothing to gain mercy from the sinner. He raised his axe when someone called out.

"Basil! Where on earth did you go?"

With Basil momentarily distracted, you took your chance. You suddenly pulled yourself from his loosened grip, bolting away. His angry shouts followed you. "Get back, you won't get that far!" Sweat dripped from your forehead as you continued, turning as many sudden corners as you possible could. When you had made sure they lost your trail, you took a breather. But now you had gotten so far that you had lost the way back to Karl's room. You were back to square one. You remained low, taking off your shoes to make even less noise. You came across a hallway that lead outside. Walking through, you could nearly duck out of the way as a bladed pendulum swung down. As you laid on the ground, you felt a sharp pain across your lower back. You reached back, feeling something wet on your fingers. When you pulled it back, you saw your hand covered in red. You bit your lip, swallowing a string of curses. You laid there, recovering from the shock.  The silence was interrupted by another pair of footsteps. You assumed Basil and his little friend had found you again, but when you looked up, there was another statue.

This one was the statue dressed in gold and blue. He was much taller than the others you had seen. You assumed this one had to be Frederick. "There, so you were the peasant." He let out a humorless chuckle. "I see our traps have already gotten to you, i sincerely apologize for that." Unlike Basil, his voice sounded less taunting. You'd swear you heard a hint of pity in his British accent. He waited for the pendulums to swing down and retract before stepping towards you. "I admire how far you have gotten, but i'm afraid i simply can't let you leave." His smile faltered slightly almost showing a frown. "Please do not take it personally, it is not but self preservation. "Come now," he said, stopping in front of you.

"I shall try and make it painless."

You shook your head, backing away before standing up again. Your exhaustion had taken its toll, and you stumbled backwards. The leader statue reached out, pulling you against him before the pendulum could take you out. "What...?"

"Careful now. Just because you may not agree with my methods, doesn't mean those traps are preferable." It sounded like a poor attempt to lighten the mood. As much as you wanted to pull away, you couldn't. You were trapped between him and the pendulum. "Though if i may ask, before i take your life. What had brought you here?" You almost scoffed at his attempt to make small talk with you. "Why does it matter to you?" Frederick frowned. "Come now, no need to be hostile. We have grown quite lonely. I would like to know a bit more." He had a look of genuine interest.

"How about we put our differences aside and speak for a bit?" It seemed like a trap, you noted the tight grip he had on his weapon. "I'm sorry.. i can't." He was taken aback by your response. You had dared to defy, even with that fearful look in your eyes. You tore yourself away, bolting past him, back into the manor. You heard his voice behind you.

"Truly.. you sadden me. Well then, so it shall be."

You ran out of his sight, secretly hoping you would encounter Karl. You circled back around to the ring alter. Knowing the way back, you ran for Karl's room. But once again you were grabbed from one of the hallways. You were about to struggle when a familiar voice spoke

"Y/n what have i said about remaining in my quarters?"

It was Karl. You looked up at the jade statue who stared at you through half lidded eyes. "They said they were going to search it, so i had to go." Your brief explanation left him confused, then angry. "Truly... the nerve of them." He grabbed your wrist. "Let us return to my bedroom, i do not want anyone else seeing you."

"Did anyone see you?" He asked as he took you back. You shamefully nodded as he groaned in frustration. "Who?"

"Basil and i think the other one was named Frederick." Karl opened the door to his bedroom, ushering you inside as he closed it behind them. He didn't seem happy about that.

"What? Did they let you leave?"

You shook your head. "Basil taunted me, so i got away." Karl snorted. "I did not expect any less from him." His expression turned serious. "Frederick, he is our leader. How did you outrun him?"

"I was on the ground recovering from getting injured by a trap. I guess he must have taken pity on me." Karl stopped his pacing as he snapped his head to you. "Injury? Where did you get injured?"

"My lower back."

You watched his prideful and demanding demeanor falter slightly.

"Allow me to see."

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