Chapter 9 ~ Jaded

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(I'm still alive-)

A pair of voices on the other side of the door, signaled for you to get out of the bath.

You stepped out, dried yourself off, and got dressed. Before stepping back into the main bedroom, you decided to stay and listen. Unfortunately you could only understand bits and pieces of of the conversation.

"Ste... this. Nevermi... ever."

Frederick, he sounded mildly irritated. With mild caution, you slowly opened the door. There stood Karl, arms crossed over his chest as he stared at the leader statue with narrowed eyes. Though they widened when they rested on you. "You are still living? I was concerned they would have had your head by now." You shook your head. "No... i'm fine." Frederick remained silent as Karl legged over to you. "This is truly ridiculous," he hissed. "Fear not, Karl." Frederick tried to ease the tense atmosphere. "I am quite certain we shall be able to keep her here." Karl seemed completely dumbfounded. "As our leader, i assumed it would have been you that allowed her to perish." Frederick frowned. "I have.... had a change of heart. Unfortunately, i am aware the others have not." Karl stood tall behind you, his eyes still narrowed near the lights of the candles. "Basil was entrusted with her." Frederick grimaced. "Yes.. unfortunately Cornelius discovered so." Karl didn't say anything, refusing to meet your eyes. "We simply cannot risk him  spreading the news. Especially now his close bonds with Basil have been damaged."

"Now, if i may. How have you gotten Basil to assist you?" Frederick questioned. "I did not. He offered himself," Karl simply replied. "Then i assume you must have been aware he had an ulterior motive."

"I had no other choice."

Silence filled the room as you stood closer to Karl. Despite his strange emotional state, you felt he was most trustworthy. "I... cannot have my position as leader be challenged, therefore i suggest this has to be resolved as soon as we possibly can." Frederick placed his heavy golden hand upon your shoulder. "I promise we will solve this, one way or another." Karl scoffed, averting his gaze. "Why?" Was all you could bring out. "I wish to cease this madness, i cannot bring myself to hand you over."

"Then i suggest we figure out how to handle the situation with Cornelius and Basil," Karl retorted. "Yes... i intend to do so," was Frederick's only response. "Until a solution is found, i suggest she stay in my quarters." Karl opened his mouth to protest, but the lead statue waved him off. "It is my final decision." If looks could kill Frederick would stand crumbling. Karl was glaring daggers at him through half lidded eyes. "Now, i kindly request you leave us be." Frederick kind features seemed to melt away to a harsher and more demanding gaze. Without another word, Karl left for the door. He shot you a strange look, as if he expected you to just go with him. But after seeing the nervous look on your face, he left with an offended huff.

Leaving you with Frederick once more.

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