→ aunt babe's curse

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Lucy was currently sat in disbelief with the news that Aunt Babe had left Sylvie by the canal. She sat next to her, a hand supportively holding her great nan's, Tina and Johnny also there to offer comfort.

"It was Babe, she dumped her by the canal," Tina informed Mick as he entered the pub with Lee.

"She what?" Mick said in shock as he looked at Sylvie's shivering form.

Lucy watched out the corner of her eye as Lee went to talk to Johnny.

"Johnny," Lee began.

"Look, I'm not interested in anything you've got to say," Johnny said in response, not even looking his brother in the eye.

Lucy looked down at her lap, feeling bad that her brothers were arguing like this.

"Get away from me!" Aunt Babe suddenly stormed in from the back of the pub, running away from Shirley.

"Mick, get her off me!" Aunt Babe gravitated towards Mick with a crazed look in her eye.

Lucy wrinkled her nose in disgust at the woman in front of her.

"Caught her with her head in the safe, nicking the takings," Shirley said, rage in her eyes.

"I was counting it, that's all," Aunt Babe panicked, trying to paint herself in a good light.

"She's got her bags packed up there!" Shirley shouted.

"She's got it all wrong, I'd never steal from you, you know that, oh Mick you've gotta believe me..." Aunt Babe rambled on.

It was clear to see at this point what her intentions truly were.

Lucy and the others watched in disdain.

"Shut your mouth, shut your mouth," Mick silenced the woman, "Shirl, go get her bags," he pointed upstairs.

"Yeah well don't let her weedle her way out of this one," Shirley muttered and went upstairs.

"Mick, no, I wasn't stealing I swear, why would I? I'm the one who's been helping," Aunt Babe pleaded.

Lucy winced thinking about how Aunt Babe had been part of the support she had behind her from her family as she was getting through the trauma of the bus crash.

"The things I've done for your boy, for your girl," Aunt Babe said, pointing to Lee and then Lucy.

"Look at what you've done to Sylvie, how could you do that?" Mick pointed out, his hand reaching out to soothingly touch her head.

"I did nothing to her, it's the dementia, she doesn't know what she's saying," Aunt Babe said fretting.

"Stop lying!" Mick aggressively cut her off.

"Alright, I was taking the money. But it's Shirl! You've seen what she's like, she terrifying, I was frightened, I had to get away!" Aunt Babe began pleading to the rest of the pub goers, trying to get them on her side.

"You were gonna rob us," Mick said.

"Lee's done worse!"


"Lee put us all in danger, Johnny you got beaten!"

Johnny looked down reflecting on what had happened.

Lucy looked at Lee seeing his heartbroken face.

"He's family," Mick simply said. He could not abandon his son like that.

"I've brought you into this world Mick! Me and you have always had a special bond!" Aunt Babe began crying as she looked at him desperately.

"Why can't anyone ever love me? Tina, Johnny, Lucy, you're everything to me. Lee!" Aunt Babe begged as she looked at her family members.

Lucy stared at her blankly, not giving anything away. She couldn't help but wonder why she tried to reach out to Lee after putting him down.

"No, you've gone too far this time," Mick wiped away some tears, "I've just left my Linda in tears, with the mess you've made. You've left us in tears," he earnestly said.

"Linda Linda Linda! That's all that matters with you isn't it! The minute she sank her claws into you, I knew I'd lost ya! Stuck up little cow, butter wouldn't melt!" Aunt Babe screeched into Mick's face, spit flying.

Lucy winced at the words that were said about her mum, and also for the fact she knew that Aunt Babe had said the wrong things to her dad. Family was everything to him

"Lee, open that door now!" Mick shouted.

Lee dashed to the closest set of doors.

"Come here, come here. Take that nasty mouth of yours, and get out of our lives!" Mick yelled as he dragged Aunt Babe out by the collar.

Lucy followed Johnny and Tina as they got up to see what happened. As she got to the door, she saw luggage being chucked down from above.

"Take your rubbish with ya!" Shirley yelled from upstairs.

"You can't do this!"

"It's over."

"It ain't over. I'll be back!"

"Babe, it's over," Mick bluntly said, turning around and gesturing for the rest of them to head inside.

Lucy was thankful for this, as the heavy rain outside was not the ideal conditions to be standing in.

The pub door slammed shut.

"I curse you! I curse the lot of you! I hope you lose everything, and your precious pub."

"I curse you!" Aunt Babe yelled into the dark stormy night.

And that was the last time they saw her.

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