→ the bus crash pt 2

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"No... no! Has anyone seen my girl? Has anyone seen Lucy?" Mick yelled feeling the nerves run all through his body.

The crowd of people all gave low level responses and that was all it took for Lee and Mick to rush through the door of the bus.

"Lucy?" Mick shouted her name.

"Dad! Dad! She's here!" Lee roared, as he saw the blood stained face of his younger sister, her body shaking like a leaf.

They carefully pulled her out from underneath the seats, resting her against Mick as she shakes, terrified.

"Somebody get the medics over!"


Everything felt muffled.

Lucy blinked in and out of consciousness, feeling a pounding ache in her forehead.

And a drip down her face.

Lucy couldn't understand what was going on around her. At one point she thought she could hear the voices of her dad and brother but she wasn't sure.

She didn't want to be stuck on there any longer, she was sure nobody heard her panicking. But she soon felt herself get dragged out from where she had been lying.

"Oh my god Lucy!"

"Her head's bleeding!"

"She said she was walking home I don't get it!"

"Oh my baby, oh noooo!"

Lucy gripped tightly onto the arms of who was holding her, scared out of her mind. She didn't even notice the faces of the rest of her family looking through the windows of the bus. Instead, she couldn't stop thinking about how she ended up in this position. She remembered what happened before the crash. She remembered the taunts from Mason, and how he pushed her further underneath the seats.

Lucy didn't realise how much she had blanked out. She was deep in a state of panic and was breathing heavily.

"Hey Luce, come on baby, let's get you out of here," Mick said, trying to reassure his hysterical daughter.

Lucy felt her dad try and lift her up gently but instead the sharp pain in her stomach took over.

"Ahhh ahh!" Lucy cried out in pain.

"Dad put her down!" Lee quickly said.

And so Lucy laid back down in her dad's arms, panicking as the pain was taking over.

"Lee please get the medics over here now!!" Mick said exasperated and in shock at the sight of his youngest daughter.

"He, he, he hid" Lucy was mumbling out what sounded like nonsense whilst looking into her dad's eyes terrified.

"Ok baby, ok, you'll be ok girl. You're ok now. We're gonna get out of this bus yeah? Then we'll all be ok." He said tearfully.

"He, he pushed me" Lucy continued mumbling, "further, under."

Mick looked outside waiting for the paramedics to come through.

"Come on where are they??" He shouted, his daughter needed urgent medical attention of course.

Lucy's grip on Mick's were becoming looser, and she felt as if she was falling into a state of unconsciousness again.

"No, no, come on keep your eyes open baby, come on" Mick sounded panicked, rubbing her arms comfortingly.

Luckily the medics rushed in the bus at this point and they began to see to Lucy.

Mick held his head in his hands as he watched Lucy get carried out.

"Come on, dad," Lee prompted his dad, and they both followed the paramedics out of the bus.

"Oh my god Mick!" Linda cried into Mick's arms as she ran into him

He held her tightly to him, watching his daughter get wheeled into the ambulance.

"My poor poor baby" Linda cried, the other Carter children staring astounded at their sister.


"Your daughter will be ok. It was more the shock that sent her unconscious, there is no severe head trauma," a nurse informed the Carters.

"Ok, thank you so much," Linda said, and then there was the sound of a door being shut.

"You shouldn't be in here, scared the life out of everyone, you did," Mick said, looking at his daughter lying in the hospital bed.

"Mick," Linda tutted, as she stroked her daughter's head.

Mick held his hands up in response but his attention was soon drawn to the blinking eyes of Lucy.

"Luce? Hey sweetheart, you're ok," Linda reassured her, holding onto her hand as well.

Lucy blearily opened her eyes and saw the faces of the people she loved around the room. She couldn't help but tear up.

"Oh, Luce, what you getting upset for, ey?" Mick said from the other side of her, holding her other hand.

"I, I didn't think, I didn't know if-" Lucy couldn't get her words out.

"Lucy, you're ok now, you're safe," Nancy reassured from her position sat on the chair next to Linda.

Lucy nodded, calming herself down, blinking away some tears.

"She's right, and we're gonna help you get better ok, you've just got to take it easy," Lee said.

"Ok," Lucy simply said as she yet again nodded.

"Now, I call dibs on first hug," Johnny said as he wrapped his arms around his younger sister.

"Hey, careful you!" Mick fretted, not wanting to see his daughter in any more pain. He was just happy to see her awake and interacting with them. Looking back on what happened he couldn't stop thinking about it, so he dreaded to think of how she would cope.

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