→ the boat disaster

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"Can you stop for one second?" Shirley says to Linda, exasperated as she watches her daughter in law open another bottle of booze.

"Why should I? I'm celebrating," Linda smirks as she pops the cork and pours herself a glass.

"Celebrating what?" Shirley asks.

"The fact that you and me ain't related no more," Linda begins as Lucy approaches the bar, "divorce papers, Mick signed them, look."

Lucy looked at the documents that were carelessly chucked onto the bar, a frown working it's way onto her face. She knew her mum and dad weren't going to stay together anymore, but this just solidified it to her. Giving up on trying to have a sane conversation with her mum, she walked away as Gray and Chantelle appeared.

She found a table for herself and was in her own thoughts. That was until Mason sat down beside her.

"I don't wanna hear it," Lucy muttered, not wanting anything to do with the boy who had frequently made her miserable.

"What, the fact your mum's an alcy?" Mason scoffed, looking up and down at the girl.

"Mason, just go."

"My sister used to be one, it messed up a lot of things," Mason said genuinely, opening up about Lauren's mishaps.

"Oh, right," Lucy didn't really know how to reply to him but felt a bit of sympathy.

"Don't think there's much else your mum can mess up in your life though, ay?" Mason grinned, leaning back in his seat next to Lucy who regretted even engaging in conversation with him.

She frowned, getting up from her seat and wondering why she didn't just head back upstairs in the first place, she had her own space up there and could get away from Mason.

But of course, something had to stop her from doing what she wanted. This time, it was her own mother.

"-who'd be on the streets, if it weren't for the son you couldn't even be bothered to bring up!" Linda shouted at Shirley as the whole pub went silent to eavesdrop on the argument.

"And thank god you didn't, cause look what happened to the three you did."

Shirley punched Linda in the face, catching her nose and sending her flying back.
"I've been holding off doing that since you got your claws into Mick."

Poor Lucy was stood in shock, feeling embarrassed at the family altercation being public.

Linda rose back up and harshly slapped Shirley.

"Mum! Stop it!" Lucy shouted as her mother went to grab Shirley.

But it was obvious who had the upper hand when Linda was the one being slammed into the table, her screams being heard throughout the entire pub.

The two women were scrambling over each other and Lucy was glad Tina came in, she felt powerless.

"What the hell are you two playing at?" Tina shouted, separating the two women.

It didn't stop the glasses being thrown, making Lucy flinch back into whoever was behind her. It just so happened to be Dotty, who enjoyed the free entertainment she was currently being provided with.

"Sorry," Dotty awkwardly laughed, feeling bad for Lucy but she couldn't hide her amusement.

Lucy nodded and turned away from her somewhat friend.

Kat and Tina stepped in once again, holding Linda and Shirley back.

Shirley was seething but Linda simply dusted herself off.

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