→ the bus crash

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Linda: are you on your way back yet love? x

Lucy: yeah, thinking on getting bus or walking, will probs walk x

Linda: okay, be safe! x

Lucy: will do x

Finally, the end of the school day.

Lucy was heavily debating on whether she would get the bus or just walk home instead. There was no one she would sit with on the bus, she's a lone wolf. It would make more sense to walk home for the sake of avoiding everyone else. Sure, it was a longer walk, but that didn't phase Lucy, it meant she had more time to herself in her own world.

Of course, she knew of the other people in her year, just like they knew of her. There was Bex, Louise, Shakil and Keegan. Although she has noticed Keegan mocking her before, which she was keen on avoiding. He seemed to have backed off of her now though and moved onto annoying Louise Mitchell.

Lucy had Mason Branning instead.

Ever since she and her family had moved into Walford, he's had something against her. She had no idea why he would tease her and pick on her. Was it because she was quieter? Was it because she doesn't stand up for herself?

She couldn't help that she hates confrontation. Lucy was always one not to get herself involved in drama or other people's business. She'd much rather keep to herself, shame other people couldn't handle that.

Shivering in her blazer, Lucy mentally slapped herself. It has noticeably become colder during the day and she had regretfully forgotten to wear a coat this morning. Deciding to change her path, Lucy went and stood at the bus stop, trying to push away the fact that there was a lot of people around her.

"Hey, Carter girl! Grown any balls yet?" Mason sneered as he stood in front of her.

Lucy ignored him, continuing to look at her feet. She didn't need to prove herself to him.

"Oi! Don't ignore me," he grabbed her arm harshly, tugging the girl towards him.

Lucy looked up at him with slight fear in her eyes, trying to hide the fact she was also feeling quite annoyed in this moment.

The bus came around the corner. And Lucy was relieved for that fact, as it meant the movement of people caused Mason's grip to be removed from her arm.

Being one of the last ones to get onto the bus, Lucy decided she'd just sit down on the bottom floor. She nodded at Denise as she walked past her but she was too busy lecturing some of the ignorant boys in the year below her.

Sat down at the back end of the bus, Lucy put her earphones in, ready to zone out and listen to music. She noticed they were going the longer way than usual but didn't think too much of it.

"Quiet as a mouse, you are. It's pathetic, no wonder you don't have any friends," Mason whispered into Lucy's ear as he ripped out her earphones. He continued to poke fun at the girl he had decided to sit behind. He was smug she hadn't noticed his change of heart from going to sit upstairs.

Lucy had noticed Denise move from her seat and talk to the driver but she didn't quite know why.

The girl clenched her fists as Mason's taunts continued, gritting her teeth in pain when she felt her hair get yanked back.

"When are you gonna learn some manners, ey? It's rude to ignore others," he spoke with an annoyed tone.

Lucy calmed herself down and tried to ignore him, focusing on anything else so much so she realised last minute the bus was heading towards the square.

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