→ nancy's wedding

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The Carters who had newly moved into Albert Square were off on their first outing. It wasn't exactly the occasion they expected to be attending so soon but here they were.

Walking behind their mum and dad, Lucy was beside Johnny, wearing a blue dress and a white cardigan, something Linda had proudly put together for her.

Lucy was looking around confused at her surroundings as they approached a community centre, bass music blasting from the premises. She was glad she had the comfort of Johnny's arm around her, things felt strange.

"Right, you ready for this?" Mick asked his family.

Linda nodded, speaking for everyone and in they went.

The music suddenly quietened down as they walked through the room the ceremony was taking place in. If it wasn't for Nancy's delighted grin as she saw them Lucy would have felt completely overcome with embarrassment, like it was the whole class staring at her in school.

"I know not of any lawful impediment..."

Mick waited for Linda, Lucy and Johnny to sit down in the back row before he took the aisle seat.

"... may not be joined in matrimony to Wayne Ladlow."

It was clear that it was Wayne's mates who cheered him on in that moment.

"It's a bit weird isn't it," Lucy commented, looking at the tracksuit outfits. Sure, it was more up her sister's street in terms of style but not exactly what she imagined a wedding to look like.

"Lucy," Linda scolded quietly, although it seemed like she agreed too by the expression on her face.

"Why I, Wayne Ladlow-"

There were cheers once again. Lucy noticed her dad turn to her mum as if he was about to do something but she made him wait longer.

"May not be joined, in matrimony, to Nancy," Wayne passionately said before smacking Nancy on the arse.

Lucy's eyes widened as she turned to Johnny in shock at what her future brother in law had just done.

"Nancy," Mick suddenly stood up, not happy at all from what he had just seen.

"Oh dear," Lucy muttered underneath her breath, not liking what was about to happen. She didn't know whether to feel bad for Nancy, clearly seeing she'd feel embarrassed, or happy that she'd be getting away from Wayne.

"Dad?" Nancy questioned, a false smile on her face as she could sense something was about to happen. Something she wouldn't like.

"No offense Wayne, it's just, yaknow, it's your attitude," Mick said as he walked up the aisle.

"What you talking about man-" Wayne began to say but before he knew it his bride to be was snatched up into her dad's arms and carried out over his shoulder.

"What are you doing? Dad get off me!" Nancy shouted, feeling anger from deep within.

Johnny quickly got up running after them, Linda dragging Lucy as they ran out too.

"Get off of me! Put me down!"

The wedding guests were all stood up realising what was happening and made the move to rush out after the Carters.



"Oi, oi!"

Mick raced out with Nancy over his shoulder as Johnny had quickly managed to push the doors open. Seeing the crowd pushing towards them, Lucy thought fast and grabbed an abandoned broom, passing it to her mum.

"Quick mum!" Lucy shouted.

Johnny helped to hold back the doors as the piece of equipment was shoved through the handles, blocking off a way out just in time.

Wayne and his mates began banging on the door angrily.

Lucy flinched back and noticed a look of defeat on Wayne's face as Johnny quickly grabbed her hand so she wouldn't get left behind.

Now all that was left was to face the wrath of Nancy.

In an enclosed space.

For an approximately 20 minutes car journey back to the Vic.

This should be fun.

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