→ the robbery

978 10 0

"Right, I better relieve Ollie of Johnny and Lucy sitting," Linda commented, initially not realising how she had drunkenly muddled her words until she let out a snort and a cackle.

"You're alright, alright, go on, I'm gonna turn out the lights down here and then do you know what? We're gonna crack open another bottle," Mick grins at the sight of his drunk wife.

"Oh good!" Linda giggles as she slowly turns to climb the stairs.

"Just to celebrate your victory!" Mick says to her.

Lee and Whitney turned to leave but Mick quickly stopped them.

"Hold up, why don't you come upstairs for a bit, have a cheeky drink with us, you know how much this darts stuff means to her," Mick says, walking round the bar to turn off some lights.

Lee went to turn down the offer but Whitney quickly cut in.

"Please Lee, I could really do with a drink," she said to him.

"Yeah, come on," Mick gave Lee a pat on the back and lead the way upstairs.

Whitney giggled as she rubbed Lee's shoulders and followed Mick.

"The state of Kathy though, tonight," Mick said, making conversation as coats were hung up.

"I know! What was that sign with her name on?" Whitney commented.

"Maybe she was looking for business?" Mick joked.

Whitney laughed but suddenly gripped Lee's shoulder as the sounds of glass smashing was heard.

The three of them looked round nervously, but Mick soon took charge.

"Whit, go upstairs babe, ring the old bill, go on," Mick told her quietly.
And so she quickly jogged upstairs.


"God knows what mum will be like when she comes back up," Lucy commented, sat in the living room with Johnny and Ollie.

"We've just gotta hope she won, can't deal with an angry mum," Johnny said back, Ollie in his lap.

The two of the older Carter siblings in the room turned to the door as they heard their mum's giggles and some stumbling up the stairs.

"Here you take Ollie," Johnny stood up and handed Lucy her younger brother as he went to go and help their mum make it to the next floor.

Lucy made funny faces at Ollie with him sat in her lap, gaining a giggle out of him as she did.

"There are my two other babies!" Linda merrily said as she entered the room, collapsing on the sofa next to Lucy.

"Take it you earned your victory then?" Lucy smiled, looking at Johnny as they both tried to suppress the laughter that was brewing.

But the mood was soon cut with the sound of smashed glass downstairs.

"Mum?" Lucy said unsurely feeling nervous as she stood up with Ollie.

Whitney came rushing into the room.
"I need to call the police there's people trying to break in," she said hysterically.

And that was what it took for Linda to sober up and for Johnny to rush down and help his brother and dad.

"Luce, give Ollie to Whitney," Linda said quickly, pulling up her phone and dialing the number.

Lucy walked over to Whitney giving her Ollie.

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