→ the boat disaster pt 2

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The residents of Albert Square were in a state of complete, utter panic.

Max and Jack Branning had been shouting out for their son and nephew, Mason, after feeling their stomachs drop from his disappearance.

"My brother, my niece, I can't leave them!"

Tina Carter had been in a similar state, screaming for her brother and niece desperately. It was her worried cries that previously drew the Branning brothers' attention away from their own survival, when they had been trying to haul her into the lifeboat.

That didn't matter now.

"Mick!! Lucy!!" Tina cried, head in her hands as she looked around the freezing waters of the Thames.

"Jack, he wasn't even meant to be on the boat, I didn't want him on here, and now-"

"Max, look, you can't think like this, just for once in your life, have some hope!" Jack harshly said to his brother, not wanting to think of the worst.

The three of them held onto their hope right until they reached the makeshift docking area.

"Have you seen my son?!?"

"Have you seen my nephew?"

"Please, my brother, my niece, tell me you've seen them?"

But still, there was no sign of them. And so the intrusive thoughts carrying horrible scenarios appeared.

What if they're stuck on the boat...

What if they hit their head...

It's too cold in there, how could they have even survived it...

What if they're already dead...

"Mick, it's Mick!" Jack suddenly yells, watching down from his position at the railings.

Tina rushes over, heart practically in her throat from the speed it was beating, smiling and letting out a few tears in relief at the sight of him. She noticed his arm around Linda and couldn't help but think why?

Why help her after all the things she's said and done to him?

And her smile dropped when she thought, why her when your daughter is still out there, somewhere?

"Lucy! No, where's Lucy?" Tina cried out.

Linda began to panic in a similar fashion, as Mick's eyes widened in pure shock.


"Lucy!" Mason had yelled once he plunged into the water. Yet once his head was above again he knew what he had to do.

He swam over to where her feather boa had risen and floated, diving deep to try and grab onto her. Flailing his arms about he soon found her arm but was running out of breath.

He quickly rose to the surface taking in a deep breath.


And back under he went, thinking, please Lucy, not like this.

He couldn't help but feel a responsibility of saving her life. And that began to be fulfilled once he grabbed her hand and swam up to the surface, bringing her with him.

It was a struggle.

Keeping her head up, wondering if she was alive.

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