Chapter Three

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My crying spree notwithstanding, it's a fitful night of sleep for us all. As a new-born baby, Chrissy struggles to sleep well, her screams ensuring that the rest of us struggle to, as well.

After breakfast, I take pity on both Dad and Debra, who both look absolutely exhausted. I'm sure that they've been dealing with this for the last couple of weeks.

Chrissy settles happily in my arms on the couch, having just been fed by her mother. "Go and have a nap," I murmur quietly to the tired parents. "She'll be fine with us for a little bit."

Greta, who's sleepily curled up at the other end of the couch to Chrissy and me, nods her agreement. "Yes," she confirms. "Go on, you could both do with it. I promise that we'll come and get you if we need anything."

"She'll want fed again soon," Debra protests weakly, looking a little unsure.

I don't exactly blame her wariness at leaving her daughter with us, especially given my awful track record. I've not been the most doting daughter, or a good one at all, really.

Thankfully, though, Dad sees the sincerity in my eyes. I imagine that Greta's presence is also a real comfort to both of them. She's a bit more stable than me and definitely more reliable.

So, he persuades his wife to have a lie down for a bit and shoots both of us a grateful smile.

"Poor them," Greta murmurs quietly, her brow pinched in concern. "I bet they've been struggling quite a lot with all of this."

It doesn't escape my notice that there's no one else here, offering to support either of them. I try not to shift uncomfortably in my seat, knowing that I did absolutely nothing to help before now. Not throughout the pregnancy and then I was dragged here, kicking and screaming. It makes me wonder if they've had any help at all, from anyone.

Trying to swallow my guilt, I look down at my baby sister, who's nodded off peacefully in my arms, having had her fill. Despite her screaming, she's adorable. She actually looks positively angelic when she's sleeping. I'm not sure there's anything purer in the world.

"I know," I whisper back, afraid of waking the angel in my arms. "At least we're here and can help them for a few days."

My older sister eyes me suspiciously. "I thought this was the last place you wanted to be."

My chest aches painfully. "Uh, it was. But... Chrissy."

Her expression softens, likely able to fill in the blanks for herself. "I know. She's amazing."

"I never thought... I never thought I needed another sister," I admit quietly, the words sounding awkward coming from my mouth. "But it's like she's been missing this whole time and I'm suddenly realising what it's like to feel whole. I don't think that makes sense."

Greta sniffs, looking a little emotional as she shifts on the sofa and comes towards both of us. "I know what you mean. I think we were always meant to be a trio."

Clearing my throat, I keep my gaze trained on my younger sister, rather than daring to look in my older sister's eyes. "I'm determined that she's going to get two great older sisters. I'm also certain she'll be a much better younger sister than I've ever been."

She rests her head on my shoulder, and I let her, knowing that physical touch is one of the ways that she really shows her love. I struggle with it, but compromise for her and her only.

"What if I'm too late?" I whisper, my voice cracking. "To make amends?"

I think, somewhere deep down, I dowant to make amends. With Dad, and with Debra. I know there are lots of things to talk about, particularly to hash out with Dad, but I've been holding on to this anger for so long, and it's honestly exhausting.

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