Chapter Twelve

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Theo gently sets me down on his bed and eyes me with a mixture of lust and concern. "You sure about this, Sabrina? It doesn't exactly constitute going slow."

I reach for him. "I don't mean slow like that, Theo. Just don't want to put loads of pressure on us. I'll never not want you. I'm sure about that."

"Just promise you won't run out the door once we've done this, yammering that it was a mistake, or some bullshit like that," he pleads. "I'd so much rather wait until you are completely certain, that to have sex now and for you to change your mind."

My heart burns at that, because the way I left last time obviously hurt him so much.

"I promise," I murmur softly, holding his hands in mine. "I won't change my mind."

He doesn't need any more persuasion, reaching for my sweater and yanking it over my head, eyes thrumming with lust and desire for me. "Fucking hell, Sab," he swears, as he takes my shirt off, leaving me in just a lacy bralette. "You're so fucking gorgeous."

"You saw me the other day," I smile, reaching for his top now.

"Wasn't really concentrating on what your body looks like now," he grunts as he deposits his sweater and t-shirt on the floor next to mine. "Was too busy trying to stop you from getting hypothermia, you stubborn girl," he continues to gripe, shedding his jeans too, so that he's just left in his boxers, his dick already creating an impressive outline to admire.

My lips twitch, as I try to stop myself from drooling. "You mad at me?"

Theo laughs, reaching for me and pulling me up off the bed, so that he can make quick work of taking my jeans off. "If you want angry sex, Sabrina, all you have to do is ask."

Fuck me. I've absolutely soaked my underwear and I wouldn't be surprised if he could actually smell just how turned on I am right now. Just how badly I want him. My nipples have hardened so much through the bralette that I can't exactly hide it, either.

He doesn't let me answer, though. He just steps up until there's no space between us and anchors his mouth onto mine, hands palming my ass, as his tongue slips into my mouth.

Just as I'm beginning to feel like I can't breathe, he pulls away. "Come on. Get on the bed. Gonna fuck you so good and hard that you won't be interested in any of those hot sports fuckboys at college. You'll only be able to think of me."

His words almost take me by surprise. When we were together at school, he casually played a bit of soccer, but not really. He has never been that sporty, and although his body is a dead giveaway that he goes to the gym, he's not exactly ripped. He's got sizeable biceps, but a little extra stomach where abs might otherwise be.

He's got nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of, though. He's stupidly gorgeous, and most importantly of all, he's Theo. My Theo. Literally no one will ever compare to him.

"I won't be thinking about other people," I inform him gently as I clamber onto the bed, scooting back until I'm sitting against the headboard. "I promise."

"Fucking right," he grumbles as he crawls towards me, eyes drinking me in slowly.

This jealous, possessive side to him is new. Well, almost. We had a semi-similar conversation not long before I left for college, but he was a lot softer last time. Not that I've got a single complaint about how he's handling it this time. I'm so fucking needy for him right now, and the way he's looking at me makes me want to combust on the spot.

Impatiently, my arms reach for him, clasping his shoulders and drawing him close.

His mouth ticks up at the corner, but he moves with me, brushing his lips across mine, his knees settling either side of my thighs. He slowly kisses down the column of my throat, his lips brushing along the top of my lacy bralette. Through the material, his mouth closes around one of my nipples, one of his hands coming up to cup the other breast.

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