Chapter Six

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Oh, no. Oh, fucking hell. Really?

I'm bawling my eyes in the park and now is the time for Theo to find me? Again?

I keep my hands covering my face and pretend that I don't hear. Maybe he'll walk away.


Stubborn man. I should've known better. Should've known I'm not that lucky.

A hand lands on my shoulder and I know that I can't get away with just pretending to not hear him. Wearily, I lift my head, my teary eyes meeting Theo's concerned ones.

Part of me wants to yell at him to leave me alone, because I'm really embarrassed that he's discovered me like this. But honestly, I'm actually just exhausted.

"Fuck, Sab," he curses, using the nickname he had for me all those years ago. "You're fucking freezing. How long have you been here?"

The name prickles my skin, but I am actually shivering, and too tired to argue. I couldn't even say how long I've been out here in the cold. I've completely lost track of time.

"Come on," he mutters, when he realises that I'm not going to answer. He winds an arm around my back and hauls me to my feet.

To steady myself, my hands fly to his shoulders, but that only brings us closer together. His deep brown eyes, still concerned, bore into mine and my pulse skyrockets. I can see my breath, and the way that it tangles in the air with his as he looks at me intensely.

"You need to warm up," he utters softly, not backing away from my personal space, his hands now sitting on my hips. Even through my thick jacket and his gloves, they burn.

Teeth chattering, I shake my head indignantly, trying hard to hold onto the coattails of my already failing composure. "I'm fine."

"Now's not the time to be stubborn, Sabrina," he replies, exasperatedly. "Come on. My place is just around the corner. We'll get you warmed up and then you can complain, okay?"

But Theo's place isn't just around the corner from here. It's just by the cemetery, which is in the complete opposite direction. Or it always used to be, anyway.

I'm still trying to stifle all the tears though (because once I start crying, I can't stop), so I don't protest as he practically frog-marches me along. It takes me a while to realise that he's got the same dog with him that he did the other day, when Greta and I saw him.

The dog, off the lead, follows behind us obediently at the command of her owner.

Theo doesn't say much to me as we walk along the street and I'm still crying and shivering, so I don't bother mustering the energy to say anything either.

We arrive at a small house that I don't recognise, but nonetheless, Theo marches me up the front steps and keeps me close to his side as he opens the door.

I'm immediately greeted by warmth. "This isn't your place," I mutter as he shuts the door.

"Yeah, it is," he counters quietly, reaching for me to unzip my jacket. "I got it a couple of years ago and moved out of my parents' place."

I'm still shivering as he takes my jacket and hoodie off me, then stops suddenly.

"Come on. You need a warm shower. Not too hot, or you'll shock your body too much, but warm enough. Let's go."

There's no room for argument in his tone at all. Sometimes, he can be so fierce about something that you just can't go against what he's saying, like now. He's stubborn, for sure.

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