Chapter Fourteen

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"Shit, Sabrina."

I chuckle, gently resting my head against Theo's shoulder. "Bit surreal, huh?"

His eyes take in the trophy cabinet before us, and the display depicting just how many times UNC Chapel Hill have won the volleyball championships. Just how many times I won it while being a student here.

It hurts my chest a little, knowing that this is my final year and I've played in my last competitive match for UNC. I've loved being here and playing with the girls.

"I mean, it's not necessarily surprising," he responds, his arm wrapped around my waist. "You've always been so good at volleyball, of course your team wins four in a row."

I laugh softly, shaking my head. "You don't need to butter me up like that, Theo."

Theo pinches my waist. "Just take the compliment, Sab."

I kiss his shoulder gently and decide to let it drop. It's just so good to see him, that I decide not to continue bickering with him. We're doing exactly the kind of thing I always hoped we would, even if we're years late, and it's got me feeling all funny and nostalgic.

It's mid-February now, and Theo has come to visit me for the weekend. It's the first time we've seen each other since I left Whitley just after New Years to return back to college. I'm showing him around campus, letting him see all the places I talk about so much when we're on the phone to each other.

It feels almost surreal, having him here now, after so long of being on my own.

Theo slips his hand into mine and gently tugs me in the other direction. "You fancy grabbing a coffee while you show me the rest of campus?"

Having Italian parents means that Theo loves good coffee a lot. He's a bit of a snob about it, though, so I try hard to think of a place on campus that he would actually like. I'm not majorly fussy and would happily drink instant coffee, but he is certain that's sacrilege.

"There's an independent place not too far from here that I think you'd like," I agree, smiling when I notice the way his expression lights up. "Lots of people like it."

He squeezes my hand. "Sounds good, baby. You lead the way."

I'm not sure that I'll ever get used to him calling me baby. It has my stomach doing flip-flops each time those words leave his mouth. He knows it, too, from the way he smirks at me.

"Do you ever wonder what it would have been like if you had gone to college?" I ask curiously, as we travel through the campus, weaving our way between different people.

When we were growing up, he was adamant that college wasn't for him, which is completely fair enough. I just wonder now, what it might have been like for him. What it might have been like for us, had we planned to go to the same college together.

He glances at me briefly, looking pensive. "I'm not sure, to be honest. I don't know if it's really worth always wondering about what could have happened if I'd done things differently. What I do know is that I love my job and love what I'm doing at the minute. So, no, I think I did make the right decision in not going to college."

"Fair enough," I agree. "A lot of people say that college is the best time of your life, but honestly, it can be really hard. Trying to balance studying, sport, having a social life and looking after your mental health is tough."

Thankfully, I got a full-ride scholarship to college, so I didn't need to worry about a job throughout the semester, and have worked over the summers to help me through.

Theo squeezes my hand tightly and his eyes find mine, tenderness coating his face. "I bet it has been. Really hope you've been taking the right steps for yourself, baby."

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