Chapter Ten

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I've always said that I don't want children. And I don't. I really don't.

But, seeing Theo hold my baby sister like she's the most precious thing in the world (which she is, by the way), sends several fierce kicks to my soft, melting heart.

He looks absolutely enamoured by her and if Greta's snort and nudge in my side is anything to go by, I look absolutely stunned by him. By watching the two of them together.

It was kind of an accident, the two of them meeting, but Dad answered the door when Theo came around today with Maya and ended up inviting him in, so here we are.

Before giving birth, Debra probably would have had a fit over even just the thought of the floor and furniture being covered by all the hair Maya is bound to shed while she's here, but I think she has bigger fish to fry at the minute. Either way, I'll clean up when I get back.

I look at my older sister, who has a smug smile on her face. Glowering at her, I shake my head, hating that I know exactly where her thoughts have gone.

"You can't deny it anymore," she whispers in my ear, as she casually plays with Maya's fur. The dog is lapping up all of the attention she's getting. "You're far gone all over again."

My unimpressed expression doesn't change, because she's right and I don't know how I can deny it anymore. How I've ever managed to deny it. I feel eighteen years old again.

"I don't know what you want me to say," I hiss back. "You're not helping me out here."

Dad, who's sat next to Theo on the couch opposite us, turns away from looking at his youngest daughter to narrow his eyes at us. "What are you two whispering about there?"

"Nothing," I quickly deny, shaking my head.

Theo's eyes drift from my baby sister for a second, catching mine in amusement, before looking back down at her again.

My heart squeezes.

Thankfully, before Dad can call us out again, or Greta can out me, Chrissy saves the day as she starts to wiggle around in Theo's arms, eventually beginning to wail loudly.

Debra swoops in, scooping her up into her arms. "She'll just be hungry. Thanks for holding her for a sec, Theo."

His smile is bright, genuine and fucking heart-wrenching. "I loved it. She's so sweet."

Ah, damn. I don't know how I'm going to make it out of this holiday with my heart intact. At first, it felt like a good idea to stay longer, to spend more time with Chrissy and chat through things a bit more with Theo, too. But I'm suddenly questioning the wisdom of that decision.

He turns his attention towards me and raises his eyebrows. "So, fancy that walk, then?"

I avoid Greta's eyes as we make our way to the door, heading out with Maya on Theo's heels, thankfully leaving everyone else behind.

"I'm sorry," I blurt out as I struggle to zip my jacket all the way up, because of the gloves I'm wearing. "Dad shouldn't have dragged you inside like that. I didn't mean for you to get put in that situation."

His low laughter sets off all the butterflies in my stomach. "Oh, Sabrina. I wasn't put in any situation. I wanted to come in. You're right, by the way. Chrissy is incredible."

He's said too many important things all at once for my poor brain to comprehend. What does he mean, that he wanted to come in? To spend time with us? And, I mean, I know that my little sister is incredible. But hearing those words from his lips is something else.

To make matters worse, he watches me in amusement as I fight with my jacket, eventually batting my hands out of the way and doing the zip up for me, not dropping eye contact.

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