Chapter Thirteen

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"How you feeling, baby?"

I whimper, half of my face stuffed into the pillow. "Still nervous."

"Shit," Theo grunts, increasing the pace of his thrusts. "Clearly not doing my job right."

Tonight's the night I'm having dinner with Mavis, Felix, Ishmael, Theo, and their parents. I've spent the whole day nearly vomiting because of the nerves, so logically, Theo's now trying to fuck said nerves out of me.

He reaches around my front, to rub my clit, all while pushing into me hard from behind.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I concentrate on how he's making me feel. My legs start to shake, struggling to hold me up, as the pressure mounts on my forearms.

Still, the pleasure makes all of the effort worth it. "Fuck," I whimper, pushing my hips backwards to meet his.

"That's it, baby," he croons in my ear, the fingers toying with my clit speeding up.

I'm nearing my peak, and when I inform him of that, he instructs me firmly to wait.

Frustrated, I let out a huff. He's fucking me so good and I just want to come, but he makes me practice my patience, because he just loves doing that. Dick.

"You can do it, sweetheart," Theo murmurs softly, somehow expecting me to notcome all over his dick, all while keeping his thrusts and circles of my clit at the exact same pace.

"Theo," I whine, literally shaking by now.

He keeps going, though, torturing me, much to my frustration. It feels so fucking good now, the way that he fills me up and pulls out before pushing back in again, all while keeping up a steady pace with his fingers on my clit.

"Hey, come on," I complain, annoyed now. He's so good at this and it makes me mad.

Eventually, he chuckles low in my ear. "Go on, then, Sab. Come for me, baby."

With a loud cry, I let myself go, coming at the same time as he does, loving the feeling of us tipping over the edge together. That's how it goes mostly, but it doesn't ever stop feeling good, either way.

With my brain foggy, I let my head drop onto the pillow. "Oh, fuck me."

Theo gently kisses the back of my neck, even though it's a little sweaty. "You did so good."

He's still inside me and my head is genuinely spinning from that orgasm. Fuck.

"How you feeling, baby?" he murmurs softly.

I huff out a tired laugh, loving that he always checks. "Exhausted."

"Not nervous?" he queries.

I frown, my scrambled brain trying to think of what the fuck he's talking about. "Nervous? What for?"

He laughs triumphantly, as he carefully pulls out of me. "Glad to know it was that good."

Slowly, as he moves away from me to deal with the condom, I come to. "Ah. Shit."

Theo comes back into the room after leaving for the bathroom, and chuckles, again. "Sorry. Probably should have left you like that for a little longer."

To be fair, even though I've now lost that blissful feeling right after I came, I'm still feeling pretty satisfied. Definitely better than I was before we had sex.

"Promise me we'll always do that when I feel nervous?"

He sits down next to me on the bed, where I'm still lying on my front, and strokes my hair. "Sure thing, Sab. You're going to be fine, though. You know that, right?"

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