Chapter 2- Rose Suchak Ladder

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Charlie violently shook me awake. "(Y/n), (Y/n), wake up. I heard a clatter."

"Charlie, there's no one there," I groaned.

Charlie ran out of the room. I sighed and got up, throwing a sweater over my pajamas. I slipped my shoes on at the front door and ran out after Charlie. There was going to be nothing. I knew it.

I was staring at Santa Claus on the ground. A man dressed as Santa, maybe.

"You got him!" Charlie said in disbelief.

"Charlie, stay where you are. Charlie, would you listen to me?" Scott said. "Stay up there!"

"It is Santa." Charlie looked up at his father. "You killed him."

"Did not. And he's not Santa," Scott said.

"Well, he was," I reasoned.

Scott searched around the guy as I looked up at the roof. The sleigh was on our roof. I don't know how this lunatic got that sleigh on our roof, but he was a psychopath.

"Reindeer on the roof, Santa's suit on the ground. He fell, not my fault. Reindeer on the roof. That is a hard one to crack," Scott mumbled.

Scott ran into a ladder. I ran over to him, concerned. "Where the hell did this come from?"

"Look here, Dad. The Rose Suchak Ladder Company. Out by the roof, there arose such a clatter. Just like the poem," Charlie explained.

"Just like the poem," Scott repeated. "Charlie, come on down from there. Charlie, get down from there!"

"Dad, (Y/n), you gotta see this!" Charlie shouted.

I climbed up the ladder, curious. I looked over at the reindeer. They all had nametags on them. The sleigh looked real, like it was made for the real Santa.

"Guys, check out Santa's sleigh," Charlie said, whipping the reins.

"There's no such thing as-" I cut him off by giving him a look.

"Sure there is. You said you believe in Santa, right?" Charlie questioned.

"I did?" I glared at Scott. "I do."

"What about the reindeer?" Charlie asked. "These are Santa's reindeer, aren't they?"

"I don't know, Charlie," I answered. "Come on, Charlie."

"I don't want to go," Charlie whined.

I climbed into the sleigh as Scott did. "Listen, Charlie. I'm not kidding. Let's go!"

The reindeer took off, making me scream in fright. Charlie cheered, excited. We flew to the next house and landed on the roof.

"Well, we made good time," I commented sarcastically.

"(Y/n), you're alright," Scott said in relief. "Now what do we do?"

"Get the bag of toys," Charlie explained.

"And do what?" Scott questioned.

"Go down the chimney," Charlie stated.

"Down the chimney. You want me to take the toys down the chimney into a strange house in my underwear?" Scott snapped.

"No. Put the suit on, Calvin," I teased.

"You know what we're going to do is we're going to get out of here," Scott decided. "Because this whole thing is stupid."

"How come everything I want to do is stupid?" Charlie pouted.

"I didn't say that," Scott said. Scott gave in. He muttered things as he put on the suit. He was lifted into the chimney by the bag. I was a little worried about him. Knowing him, he would be his sarcastic self.

Then again, I didn't even know if this was real.

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