Chapter 10- Santa Clause 2

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I heard something on the roof. Figuring it was a squirrel, I chose to ignore it. When it sounded more like hooves, I panicked. Were the neighborhood kids really trying to pull something that extreme? I heard another footstep and got up from my chair.

I pulled on my coat and quickly slipped on my shoes. I ran out of my front door to look up at the roof. "Listen, kids. I'm going to call-"

Scott turned around, a joy-filled Comet leaping around the roof. I cupped my hands over my mouth in shock. Comet helped Scott down. The man looked at me with a grin, holding out his arms. I jumped into them, holding onto him tightly.

I dragged Scott inside, sitting him down. A smile was still apparent on my face.

"God, I haven't seen you in a while," Scott said in the other room.

I poured a glass of apple cider and put it in the microwave. "Too long, Calvin. I'm surprised you're even here."

"Well, Bernard made sure I had some extra time to go spend with you and Charlie," Scott explained.

"Do you want me to ask Laura for Charlie tonight?" I asked.

"Do you have enough space?" Scott questioned.

"Of course. I have a whole room for him I let him decorate," I admitted. The microwave beeped. I took the apple cider out and put another in. "He's no stranger to staying here."

"Wow." I peered into the other room. He looked amazed. "You've changed a lot since I last saw you."

"I've changed a lot since last year?" I questioned. "I'm sorry, Saint Nick, but nothing has really changed."

"How have you been?" Scott asked as I walked into the room with both of the mugs.

I shrugged. "Okay. Sales haven't been doing the best."

Scott's eyes widened. "You're still working for that jerk?"

"Of course. Helps me pay the mortgage," I reasoned. "How's the shop?"

"Production's good." He took a deep breath. "Actually, I'm down here because of the shop. Charlie got on the naughty list."

"He's been looking for attention," I admitted. "He wants to be with me most of the time because I have your stuff from your old house. Reminds him of you when he misses you. Laura and Neil think they're being wonderful parents, but Lucy's just been... their pride and joy."

"Come here." Scott motioned to sit next to him.

I curled up next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. Like six years ago. The old me that went through a nasty divorce and didn't have anywhere safe to go. Except Scott. Scott was my safety. These last few years, even though my feelings for him stayed, I felt like I had drifted apart from him. We were so different.

I turned on The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Scott slightly rolled his eyes. Besides that, he watched the whole movie with me until he couldn't keep his eyes open. I eventually let him fall asleep on my shoulder. He was still my best friend. But I also wanted it to be something more.

"(Y/n)-" Charlie barged through the front door, the key to the house in his hand. He stopped when he saw his father. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired," I breathed. "Want me to wake him up?"

Charlie shook his head.

"It's okay. I'm up." Scott blinked his eyes open, looking at Charlie. "Sleeping here tonight?"

"Yeah. Neil was trying to give me a lecture about how this is the reason we try to spend time as a family, and all that fancy stuff," Charlie explained.

"Go get ready. Scott, take the guest room," I decided.

I showered and got ready for bed, taking a deep breath of relaxation. Soon enough, I was in my pajamas and under the two layers of blankets. Warmth filled me pleasantly. I could hear Scott getting into bed, and Charlie was taking his sweet time in the shower.

All at once, the same feelings I had for Scott flooded into my mind.

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