Chapter 9- It Really is You

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We ran out and headed back to the house reluctantly. I unlocked the door with one of my bobby pins and Charlie ran in. Scott and I walked in at the same time, smiling softly. Charlie was happy to be home.

"Mom? Mom? Neil? I'm home!" Charlie yelled throughout the house.

"Charlie!" Neil ran toward him, embracing him tightly.

"Charlie. Oh my god, Charlie. Sweetheart." Laura kissed his forehead.

Scott picked up his hat and looked out of the window. "I don't have a lot of time."

"Did you leave the gifts I made under the tree?" Charlie asked, walking over to him.

"You bet I did." Scott nodded.

"We better go." Charlie walked over to the fireplace.

Scott stopped him. "No, Charlie—Actually, I think it's a much better idea if you stay here with your mom and Neil." 

"Really?" Laura questioned.

"But, Dad," Charlie said.

"No buts, Charlie. I can't be selfish. I can't be with you all the time. We're a family. You, me, (Y/n), your mom... and Neil. And they need to be with you too," Scott explained.

"I'll miss you too much." Charlie pouted.

Scott and I led him over to the couch. "Listen." Charlie started to cry. "Come on, listen. There's—There's a lot of kids out there, okay? Millions of kids. And they-they all-they all believe in me. They're counting on me, Charlie. I'm not gonna let them down. I got a lot of work to do."

"So I can't be selfish either," Charlie said.

Scott smiled. "You gave me a wonderful gift, Charlie. Listen. A wonderful gift. You believed in me when nobody except (Y/n) did. You two helped make me see it. Selfish... You're the least, least selfish person I know."

Charlie hugged him, holding back sobs. "I love you, Santa Claus."

"I love you, son," Scott replied.

"Laura, what do you think? Christmas Eve, you guys want Charlie?" Scott looked at Laura.

"Oh my god. It's you. It really is you." Laura smiled over her tears. "You really are Santa Claus."

"Pretty cool, huh?" Scott questioned. "Your parents thought I'd never amount to anything."

"Oh, wait! Don't go yet. I have something for you." Laura ran off, making me confused.

"Scott." Neil got his attention.

"Neil?" Scott questioned.

Neil walked over to him and stared at him. His eyes widened after a moment. "Santa?"

"It's okay, Neil." Scott chuckled.

"Here." Laura held up a folder. "It's, well uh, it's my Christmas present to you. It's the, um, custody papers. And I want you to come and see Charlie as often as you can. With (Y/n), too." Mom tossed them into the fire and I beamed.

"You can count on it. Thanks, Laura," Scott whispered. "Merry Christmas."

"What's all this boo-hooin' goin' on here?" Bernard walked in, eating something. "Hey. How ya doin'?"

"It's nothing, Bernard. I'm just saying goodbye to Charlie," Scott admitted.

"What goodbye?" Bernard asked. "Charlie, you still got the glass ball, right?"

"Yeah." Charlie was confused.

"Well, all you gotta do is shake it whenever you want to see your dad or (Y/n)."

"Really?" Charlie smiled.

"They can come back to see you. Any time, day or night. Hey, have I ever steered you wrong?" Bernard explained.

Charlie shook his head. "Nice sweater," Bernard said to Neil. "Did we make this?"

"Laura, he's sucking us into his delusions. Look at the elaborate measures he's taken." Neil glared at Bernard.

"Neil," Bernard disappeared, "relax. I'll explain it to you later."

Neil finally realized. "Where'd he go?"

There were police sirens around the house, and Laura rushed outside.

"Excuse me! Excuse me, hi!" Laura yelled.

Scott and I were already on the sleigh. We hovered a few feet above the ground before rushing out of the scene. Scott wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, making me smile.

Maybe I did have a crush on my best friend for a while. So what?

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