Chapter 1: Home Ec.

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     A soft beam of light cuts quietly through my darkened dorm room. One of the very few items Director Clavel and the RA's had approved of were the heavy curtains I had got on sale while dorm shopping. Groggily, I look at the academy-appointed digital alarm clock. It showed 7:59. Before I can even process the three numbers, a cacophony of knocks boom throughout my tiny room, shaking the pictures hung on my wall.

      "(Y/N)!!! HOW ARE YOU NOT UP YET?". That loud, sing-song voice could only belong to Nemona. She was a delight to be around- provided you were ready for her to yell or fight at the drop of a coin.

     I jolt up, stumbling around to grab my uniform and pokeballs.

      "Of course I'm up- I'm just brushing my teeth Nemo," I shout, stumbling into the bathroom, one leg in my pants and one out. 

      "Well hurry up, how can I eat breakfast without an early morning battle?" 

       I groan at the thought, pulling my shirt over my head. "Yeah yeah Nemo, ill meet you at the cafeteria, save me a seat, wouldya?". 

      Without so much as a response, I heard her thumping down the hall. I connect my pokeballs to my belt, to which they snap magnetically with a smooth *click*. Usually, I'd take the time to cook for myself, but there were Thirty minutes till my first class, and I had already told Nemona to save me a spot. Cursing my tongue being faster than my brain, I shuffle out into the hall and towards the cafeteria.

      Opening the heavy doors into the cafeteria, I was immediately met with a sea of voices from students and teachers alike.

       "Oye!" Nemona shouted from a table where she sat alone. Everyone was so scared that she'd ask to battle, that they wouldn't go anywhere near her this early in the morning. "You took soooooo long so I decided I'd get your food for you. Hope you don't mind colega" 

      I look down at the tray, and see a crisp potato omelet, an apple, and some slices of sausage. "Gotta get your carbs, protein, and at least a fruit in, so you're in fighting shape," Nemona said almost proudly.

      I gloss over the fighting comment and begin eating, vacantly fidgeting with a Pokeball and my other hand. "You seem kinda distracted all good?" Nemona asked, uncharacteristically quiet and somber.

     "Huh? Oh. guess I'm just not a morning person" I replied dismissively. 

      An announcement came over the PA system. Clavel told us that our first classes would be starting soon. For the past two weeks, we had only had homeroom. I had also just moved to Paldea, so honestly, I was having sensory overload at all times. I had seemed off because I was anxious to be starting the new classes, but also because I was upset that I only really had Nemo and my partner pokemon.

      All at once, a wave of depression floods over me, as I beg Arceus for a reason to feel happy- or at least a momentary distraction. I was so busy in my fervent wishing, that I hadn't noticed that I was filing out with the crowd into the main hall.

      I made my way up to Mr. Saguaro's room for my first class. The front of the room had a smattering of two seated tables. The back half had many counters, stovetops, and even ovens and cookware. I choose a seat at one of the tables and look towards the board.

      I see a large, daunting man. He had to be at least 6'7. His hair was a sleek, jet black, with a single, thick curl falling in front of his face. He had a thick mustache like an early 80's cop. His face formed a fierce, almost scary stare. His thick eyebrows made his pale pink eyes pop, as if he needed to look any more fierce. Other students file in, as the bell rings. Mr. Saguaro walks over to the door and shuts it.

     "HELLO CLASS!", he booms excitedly, while grabbing something off the coat rack near the door. He pulls an apron over his head and begins tying it around his waist. It was a pale purple, with a jigglypuff and an apple stitched to the front. It was weirdly...cute? "Welcome to Home Ec. Here we hope to teach you skills that will help you operate on your own, whether that be basic sewing to fix your ripped clothing, or cooking to sustain yourself as you explore vast Paldea". 

      He continues on giving his syllabus, as everyone listens intently to the simultaneously sweet and terrifying man. "Today we'll do a warm-up of sorts. You'll partner up with the student next to you, and head back to the counter spaces in the back of the room".

       At this, everyone looked to their side in relative excitement and nervousness. My gaze was met by the softest blue eyes. They were gentle yet conveyed intense conviction. The man next to me had Two-toned brown and beige hair. His features were wildly androgynous. You couldn't pin if he was the most handsome man or beautiful woman that you'd ever met.

      "... hey? You good little buddy?" he asked, rather thoroughly confused as to why I've been staring at him, undoubtedly.

     "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. My name's (Y/N)". 

      "Arven", he said flatly.

       We both stand, headed toward the back of the room. Mr. Saguaro started again,

      "Alright, you should see some basic sandwich ingredients in front of you. I want each group to work together and make an original sandwich together, while getting to know each other, of course". Arvens' eyes twinkled as soon as the word sandwich left Saguaro's mouth.

    "Hell yes!" he said under his breath. Guess this guy just really likes sandwiches.

Arven x Reader: My Bread and butter (Lemon? Lime?)Where stories live. Discover now