Epilogue: My Bread and Butter

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Arven's arm fell over me. He slept soundly behind me, as nacli was at our feet. I smile, wrapping my arms around his like he was a tree being threatened to be cut down. I feel warm and comfortable in his arms. My bliss was quickly dismissed when I heard a dreadful noise.



"Fuck", I say under my breath as I jump up. Her rap on the door had awoken arven, his eyes now the size of dinner plates.

"Dammit, who invi-"

"I INVITED MYSELF OVER!" she interjected, as if she were asked.

"I noticed." I mumbled, "ONE SEC NEMO"

I toss arven his shirt as he stumbles out of view from the door. I hype myself up and open the door.

"Hey Nem-"

She pushes past me, throwing her bag on the floor.

"I figured since it's the weekend you wouldn't mind me hangin' out for a bit. Any plans for the day?"

The bathroom door clicks shut. Nemo's head whips toward the bathroom. She turns back to where she threw her bag down, noticing the large, yellow bag. A sharp gasp from her cut the silence like a knife through Brie


A high-pitched yipe comes from the bathroom. Nemona speeds past, as my futile attempts to stop her fail. I realize, and back away nervously. She begins to slam on the door. She seems to believe that any door will open if you knock hard enough.

"O-occupied" Arven stammers

"I knew it. I knew it." she turns and heads toward me again. My hands shoot up, palms facing her, begging for her understanding.

"You didn't- you know, did you?"

"Yeah, we did," I say rolling my eyes.

Arven steps out of the bathroom and put his back to the wall. He slides down, slowly sitting on the floor.

"Wait, are you two an item or somethin'?"

"Yeah, as of last night." I chimed

" who asked who," she asked, starry-eyed

I snort, holding back a laugh as I remember him asking mid-climax.

Arven shot up "that's not really important, is it" he laughs uncomfortably

"Fine fine, ill leave you lovebirds alone~"

She leaves as fast as she came, the door slamming behind her. Arven lets out a sigh of relief. I hug him, apologizing for Nemo's actions.

"Mind if I swing back to my dorm? I gotta check on something and change. After, why don't we go have lunch at The Treasure Eatery near noon? My treat."

"Of course Hun, do what you have to. I'll be here if needed"

He leaves, but not before kissing my head, I smile at the closed door, somewhat in a trance. I shake it off and get ready to hop in the shower. This is made a little more difficult, as Nac and Dolly swarm my legs. They're glad to have my undivided attention. I pat their heads, and leave towards the bathroom. They scurry off together to eat some food. I get my shower over with quickly, to make sure I had enough time to stress about fine dining with my partner. I dress, and after, and paced for a while. Suddenly I had an idea. I put on my shoes and speed out of my dorm.

I exit the school into Mesagoza. I head towards Florges Flora to buy some flowers. I pick an arrangement of yellow and chocolate-cherry sunflowers. I thank the florist and start to head to Medali. I figured id leave the two little scamps at home, so they're not cooped up in their ball.

About an hour later, I make it to the restaurant. I check my phone, and arven had texted me that he was already seated, and just to tell the hostess that I was with him. He motions over to where he was seated, and we sat on the same side of the table. I hand him his flowers, and in return, he starts to blush.

"T-this is really sweet. Thank you"

"Of course! Oh, I meant to ask, How'd you get a reservation? Isn't this the best restaurant in Paldea?"

"That's what they say. I did an internship here last year for my treasure hunt. Expanded my knowledge of cooking" he said all this dryly

My mouth dropped, "I should have you cook for me more, I had no idea you were a Michelin Star cook" I teased

"Did I hear star?"

A hand lands on my head and I turn around. My eyes were met with Giacomo's.

"Oh, hey Momo, what brings you here"

"My stomach mostly. Sometimes I swing by to grab a bite with the Seigin stars. How 'bout you, punk"

"We're on a date," arven said, a little louder than usual.

"Ahh, date. Shame."

Momo sounded a little down. Did I do something? I wasn't sure.

"Yeah, were an item, so maybe you should scoot," Arven said, an air of annoyance in his statement

"Yea, I was plannin' on headed off. Bye little star", he turns, hand in his pocket, and trudges off

"Bye Momo! I'll see you soon"

He raises his hand to wave without turning back, and sits at the bar with some of the Team Star kids.

"That Alfredo guy pisses me off", he says through his teeth.

"I know I know, but he seemed kinda upset. I just hope I didn't do anything to make him sad..."

He sighs, "He obviously likes you. Did you miss the pet names or somethin'"

"...I thought he called everyone little star"

He laughs a little, and we order some medium grilled Onigiri, Fire Blast style, with Lemon Garnish. A sleepy-looking, black-haired businessman looks over, and Arven waves him off. He seemed a bit relieved as he went back to his drink.

We chat as we wait for the food to come out, and Arven generously tips the waiter in advance. We eat together, joking through the afternoon, until it becomes time to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow cutie" He winks

I grab him by his face and kiss him on the lips. His hands fall to my hips as he returns the favor. We part ways, and my heart feels as if it's floating like a driftblim. I love him, and if I were sappier, I'd say he's my bread and butter.


Arven x Reader: My Bread and butter (Lemon? Lime?)Where stories live. Discover now