Ch. 2: The Sandwich of the Gods

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"So uh...Arven. You seem pumped about sandwiches."

"Yeah, guess I've always been pretty good at cooking. Gives me something to do".

I smiled without thinking. His dorky 'Hell yeah' response, combined with his passion for cooking, was cute if nothing else. Like a puppy wagging his tail at just the scent of its favorite treat.

"Hey, space cadet, something the matter? Your face looks funny" Arven chuckled.

"F-funny? What do you m-"

He cuts me off, "So this sandwich project, any ideas?

Somewhat flustered I begin, "actually yeah, I was thinking a Foccacia bread, with chicken, avocado, bacon, or if you'd prefer a fancier alternative maybe prosciutto, topped with lettuce, and red onion, personally I don't like tomato, but you can't have a good sandwich without salt and pepp-"

Again he cuts me off, "I asked for ideas, not a whole recipe-"

I quickly shut up, quietly apologizing for my verbal sewage.

He laughs it off, "I'm kidding little buddy, It's nice to find someone as into cooking as I am".

The class went on, Arven and I joking around with each other, building a sandwich like Pygmalion sculpting his own wife. A modern marvel, An Eighth wonder, practically glowing as if it knew its own greatness- which is to say it was a pretty solid sandwich at least. It's possible my bias is overhyping the event.

The rest of the day went by fast, and before I knew it it was time to meet Nemo at a cafe in Mesagoza. I sat to wait for her. For once I had shown up before her. I pull out my half of the sandwich that Arven and I had made, fumbling with it. I didn't feel like I could eat it, I could only look at it blankly.

"Ok it's definitely not morning anymore, you gonna tell me you're 'not an afternoon person' either?"

"Nemo?! How'd you get here?" I shot up, half-assedly hiding the sandwich, as if it bore my heart itself on it. She was suddenly in the seat across from me, already sipping a coffee as if she had been here the whole time.

"Y'know I can tell when you're hiding something from me chaparrita? So spill, what is it?"

I sigh. "So there's this guy-"

"A GUY?!!?" Nemona shot up, almost spilling her coffee.

"Can it Nemo" I say through gritted teeth, suddenly feeling like the whole city is staring at us. "It isn't like that".

"Sorry, Sorry, go on", She says, regaining what little composure existed in her hyperactive body.

"This guy in my Home Ec. class....we made this sandwich together and I can't eat it. I feel like as soon as it's gone, I'll lose this headrush".

"Mmhm," she said, trying not to explode in excitement.

"He's really pretty and funny, and makes me stop thinking, which I NEVER do. His name is Arv-"


"HUSH" I hiss.

She clapped her hand to her mouth, her eyes wide. "So, you have a crush on this Arven guy?"

"Not a crush, I don't think. I just can't stop thinking about what I wanna say to him next" I say, defeated.

"Hey little buddy, whatcha doing with the student council president?"

My heart stops dead in its tracks. I slowly turn around to see his dorky smile and his stupid hair blowing in the wind and those beautiful blue ey-

"We're best friends. Plus I have a name y'know, it's Nemona"

"Oh I know your name alright, hard not to with how loud you are," he says, barely paying attention.

I snort at the offhanded comment. Nemo shoots me a glance like she wants to strangle me. I clear my throat and straighten my face.

"I can't help that I'm enthusiastic," she says. as if her star personality and champion rank were a curse.

Arven, seemingly used to this, turns to me "Hey! That's that sandwich we made in class, yeah? Hard to believe you could resist eating it by now".

I do a breathy, polite chuckle, "Y-yeah, me neither, I was just waiting till after school so I could skip out on having to buy more groceries until tomorrow".

"I was actually just headed out to buy some stuff. Maybe I'll hold off till tomorrow so we can go together".

Nemona, now visibly excited, starts to squeal.

I cut her off as fast as I could react "That'd be great Arven, grocery shopping gets pretty boring alone".

"Yeah, They're like, really lonely" Nemona chimes in, trying her damndest to help.

"Nemo!" I interject, embarrassed and feeling red

Arven laughed at this remark, as nemona looked on cluelessly.

"So, it's a date bud"

"Y-yeah a date. See you then!"

Arven walked off, waving one last time with a smile.

"Dios Mío!" Nemona squealed like a lechonk, "He said it'd be a date!"

"It's not like that Nemo, it's a friend thing, I think".

"Well, I just hope you don't embarrass yourself, " Nemo said, not understanding the irony in that loaded statement.

"Right...well I'm headed to my dorm, text me if you need me". We hug and I shove the sandwich into my bag, trudging to my room.

As soon as I lock my door, I make a dive for my bed, hoping my face melts off in the pillow as it muffles my screams. A date? It's gotta be a friend one. He called me "bud". Who calls anyone bud? I don't think I like him like that. Do I?

A notification from my phone stops my derailing brain in its tracks. I throw it to the side, not having the energy to respond to it. I grab a Pokeball from my waist and let Nacli out. Nacli's rocky exterior was surprisingly comfy, as I hugged him for support. He made a sound akin to mashing a metal xylophone. He followed me as I threw the sandwich in the back of my mini fridge. Nacli and I head over to the bed, to which I lift him onto it and lay down. I often try to sleep, instead of actually having to confront my feelings. He cuddles up to me as I drift to sleep.

Arven x Reader: My Bread and butter (Lemon? Lime?)Where stories live. Discover now