Ch. 5: All the Smoliv Things

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Nacli and I had gone through our daily routine a little cheerier than normal. I fed Nacli as I made my own food. I made a breakfast bocadillo: with garlic aioli, peppers, onion, bacon, cheese, and an arrangement of spices. The bread was toasted in garlic, butter, and parsley. I was glad that our little shopping trip yesterday meant I was able to splurge a little more on my home-cooked meals. Nacli scarfed down his food, chirping between bites.

Nacli and I hug before he goes back to his ball with a flash of red light. I head out to homeroom with Mr. Jacq.

As soon as I sit down, my Rotom phone pings. Its Arven

Hey, I have to head out to Cortondo after school to grab some Smoliv oil from the vineyard without the extra fees tacked on. Wanna tag along?

I smile. I had been wanting some time away from the city.

Sure! I'll meet you outside the school.

With something to look forward to, school couldn't have gone any slower. Each class felt as if it would never end. Eventually, school finally ended. I walked down the academy steps into Mesagoza and saw Arven waiting for me, beaming as if he were Helios himself.

"Hey! Ready to set out to the Vineyard?"

"Of course, hopefully you don't mind if Nacli tags along?"

"For sure, I'm starting to love that little guy. He's got spunk."

Nacli forced himself out of his ball, cooing happily at Arven's comment. He bumps into Arven's leg repeatedly, almost knocking him over. Arven catches himself, and we both laugh. He lets out Skwovet, who chases Nacli around playfully.

We set off towards the West Gate, ready to head off on our little odyssey. We walk and talk, making jokes at the other's expense. As we walk further into the Wheat-brown grass, We see groups of smolivs, Diglets, and fidough.

Suddenly I hear a loud crying. A rookidee was chasing the smallest of the group of Smoliv. It was crying, running as fast as its little legs could carry it. Arven and I look on in shock. Before thinking, I shoot my hand up and point at the antagonistic rookidee, and yell:


Nacli stops playing with skwovet, and zooms over toward the blue bird. He shoots chunks of salt, knocking it out of the air as it faints without so much as a tackle in response. The smoliv looked in amazement, scurrying towards Nacli and me. It chirps, as if thanking me, and I pat it on its small head.

"Nice going little buddy! You and Nacli make a good team."

"It's no sweat really," I say half embarrassed, "let's keep heading toward Cortondo, shall we?"

He shoots me a smile and we continue trekking. But we weren't alone. The little smoliv ran after us, suddenly worried. I turn around and kneel to get closer.

"Looks like he wants to go with you. You and Nacli *are* the ones who protected it"

"Is that true, little lady?" I ask the green baby

Smoliv yells happily in response. I pull out a premier ball and extend my arm toward the smoliv. She headbutts the button, flashing a red light. The ball wiggles three times, followed by a click. I smile at the ball.

"I'll call you Dolly."

"Okaythat'sadorable" Arven blurted.

I shrug, and we start walking again, finally reaching Cortondo. As soon as we get there, A guy around my age, walking quickly, Knocks into my shoulder, knocking me off balance, arven catches me before I fell, seething.

Arven x Reader: My Bread and butter (Lemon? Lime?)Where stories live. Discover now