Ch. 4: Cleaning while getting dirty

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My hand fell on Nacli's head. I cried, more overwhelmed than sad. My Rotom phone slid out of my pocket and flew up in front of me, stopping me momentarily. There was a text from a number I didn't recognize.

Hey, It's Arven

My heart stopped. I sat straight up and stopped crying, grabbing onto my floating phone. He continued:

After you ran off, I had to chase down Nemona. I asked her for your number and explained everything that happened. She offered to take me to your room and ram the door down, but I settled for your number : )

I rolled my eyes and let out a half snort. That's Nemo for you.

Hey Venny, Sorry I ran off

It's fine little buddy, I just wanna know that you're okay.

Nacli continued his support by snuggling on my leg

I got little Nac to keep me company, ill be fine Arven

You're in good hands then...or well...not hands I guess?

Don't remind him he doesn't have limbs, he's self-conscious : (

Nacli put on a fake scary face as if he knew we were talking about his lack of limbs, causing me to pick him up and put him in my lap, giggling.

Apologize to the little guy for me. I'm hopping in the shower, try not to miss me too much

Arven sent an attachment

I stare at my phone, where I'm met with a picture of Arven. He's clearly shirtless though it only showed from the mid-shoulder up. He was smiling, eyes closed, a big grin with teeth, and appeared to be in his bathroom. His hair was a little messier than normal, which is saying something. I start feeling my face get warm as I look over his traps and collarbone. He's like a statue, perfectly sculpted, radiating in beauty. Even this dumb little picture was a work of art in its own right. Quietly, I save it to my phone to continue my gawking later.

Damn, enjoy yourself Venny~

Enjoy yourself? What did I mean by that? And the tilde? It came off much dirtier than I had meant. Though it was his fault for that damned teasing picture. It wouldn't hurt for me to hop in the shower now myself. It had been a long day.

I head to the bathroom, setting Nacli in his favorite box, which had a panel cut out of the front. I start undressing and a thought had crossed my mind. Why not give Arven a taste of his own medicine?

I angle my camera to show about the same amount as he had. I couldn't help from getting red as this was a bit out of my comfort zone, but fair's fair, right? My lip trembles a little as I snap the picture, and I send it to arven

Attachment sent

No going back now I guess. Hope he enjoys my dumb little photo.

I put on some music and get in the shower, drowning my thoughts with dumb little dance moves and my best singing. I dawdle a little longer than I normally would, trying not to think about Arven seeing my message. A song comes on that makes me feel confident and I start sliding my hands down my hips and thighs while hovering down, Wishing I was this confident and hot around arven

My personal tease show was cut off as my music quieted to make room for a notification to go off. I'm suddenly over-aware of what I was doing and turn beet red. I turn off the water and step out, drying off with a towel. I quickly grab my phone and pause the music.

Oh wow- guess I shouldn't have expected my pic not to be reciprocated

What's the matter, didn't like it Venny?

Oh trust me, I did NOT say that...its the opposite really

I feel a little better knowing that dork will be thinking of me for at least the next few minutes.

Arven sent an attachment

Expecting another picture of his dumb cute face, I open it nonchalantly, but I was pleasantly surprised.

It was taken from a lower angle, showing his broad chest. He was using his toned arms to push his chest together. He was winking with an evil grin, his tongue sticking out a little to mock me. He knew what he was doing.

Fuck you and your fat tiddies Venny

I huffily texted, embarrassed and mildly aroused

I won't judge you if that last one made you horny little buddy ; )

I threw my phone to the side huffily, which flew off before it hit the ground. I resisted the urge to scream in hormonal frustration. I start to get dressed, but was hit with an idea.

I grab my phone and take a picture of my midriff down, slightly pulling my underwear down to show my lower stomach, just above my pubic area. If he messes with fire he better expect to get burnt.

Attachment sent

I finished getting dressed, as Nacli bumps against the door repeatedly, ever the clingy lump of salt. I open the door and he immediately zooms to my feet. We head over to the bed, and I lift him up before climbing on it myself.

My phone pings again as Arven has clearly seen my tease

I knew you were cute but I didn't expect this side of you. Guess it's always the quieter ones, huh?

I smile, glad I subverted his expectations

Mmhm, I'm getting ready for bed. G'night Venny <3

Night little buddy. Dream of me ; )

Oh, I definitely will.

Arven x Reader: My Bread and butter (Lemon? Lime?)Where stories live. Discover now