Chapter 19

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"Would you like some ice cream after dinner Y/N?" Jin asked asked her as they all ate their dinner in silence but she just shook her head not even bothering to look at him.

It had been a month since he threatened her and she made sure to keep her distance. She did not want to fall into that false trap of thinking that he was nice when he in fact wasn't.

"Are you sure?" He asked hoping that she would say something but she wordlessly nodded which made him sigh in discontent.

To say he felt guilty about what he said that day would be an understatement. He even tried to apologise to her but she would not give him the time of day.

He also started to pay a bit more attention to his home environment. He did in fact notice the behaviour change by Soomin but it was not to the point of physical harm.

"Are you alright Y/N? You are very quiet this evening." Soomin asked with a forced smile.

The past month she had become very unbearable but there was nothing that Y/N could do since Jin didn't believe her. He believed Soomin and not her.

"I'm alright... now if you will please excuse me I'm going to bed." She said lowly before getting up and walking out of the room leaving the two.

Soomin seeing this couldn't help but to feel content while on the other hand Jin felt his guilt increase greatly.


The next day Y/N was still sleeping since she had a rough time with the baby kicking the whole night.

"Get up. I want lunch!" Soomin said as she walked into Y/N's room and went over to shake her roughly.

Y/N snapped out of her sleep and sat up looking at Soomin.

"What?" She asked still not fully awake which made Soomin glare.

"Don't what me. Get up and go make lunch for me." Soomin demanded before turning around ready to walk away.

"No." Y/N simply responded making Soomin stop in her tracks.

She was too tired to be bossed around after the night that she had. Also she was the pregnant one here.

"I said go make me lunch." Soomin said darkly.

"And I said no." Y/N taughted but it didnt last long as Soomin lunged toward her.


Jin closed the door softly and walked quietly through the hallway of the silent house. Earlier when he was at work he felt something inside him tell him to go home. He tried hard to ignore the feeling but it would not go away until he eventually decided to listen to it.

As he walked through the hallway he heard muffled noises that seemed to be coming from Y/N's room. The noises became louder the closer he got. When he opened the door he did not expect to see what he saw.

Soomin was on top of a struggling Y/N and was slapping her face repeatedly. Jin just stood by the door in shock until his mind comprehended everything that was happening.

And without wasting a second he ran to there bed where he yanked Soomin off of Y/N before throwing her across the room.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He yelled at Soomin before turning to Y/N who was cowering against the headboard of the bed crying.

"Y/N..." He whispered her name as he slowly walked up to her not caring about Soomin who was now grunting on the other side of the room.

"D-don't touch me!" Y/N exclaimed as she felt the heat of his hand on her shoulder.

"Y/N I need you to please calm down." He said ignoring her previous words as he noticed her unstable breathing.

"L-leave me... m-me alone!" She said but this time with a lot more difficulty.

"Y/N, you need to calm down please." Jin begged as he noticed how she began to hyperventilate.

He tried to pull her toward him but she fought against it. This continued for a few minutes until the struggling suddenly stopped on her end.

"Y/N!...Y/N!" He exclaimed in worry as he realized that she had fainted.

Without wasting time he scooped her up and turned to leave but was blocked by a crying Soomin.

"Jin, I didn't mean to do it... She started it and my anger took over!" She explained but he could care less at the moment as her pushed her slightly out of the way and walked out of the room.


At the hospital Jin waited nervously dot any news on Y/N. His leg was bouncing repeatedly as he silently prayed that both Y/N and the baby were alright.

"Jin..." He snapped out of his thoughts as belt domeon place a hand on his shoulder.

When he looked up he felt his body coil in disgust before yanking her hand off him. Flashbacks of what happened earlier popped into his head and he couldn't stop it as his blood began to boil.

"Jin please listen. She said something rude and the anger just took over me. I didn't mean it." She explained.

She could not believe that she had been caught.

"If you didn't mean it then you wouldn't have hit her. She is pregnant Soomin. Pregnant!" He yelled looking at her with furious eyes.

"I know Jin and I am sorry." She apologized but now that his eyes were opened by the situation, he could see right through her act.

His face soon paled as a sudden though popped into his head.

"Have you ever hit Y/N before?" He asked and carefully watched her body language.

"W-what... of course not." She stuttered which made it obvious this she was lying.

Jin could not believe it as he slowly sat down and put his hands on his face. So many memories went through his head but the one that stuck out was when Y/N packed her things to leave but he threatened her so that she would stay.

She was only trying to keep herself and the baby safe but he made things worse by forcing her to stay in such a horrible environment. Why couldn't he have realized it sooner?

"It's over." Was all he said before he stood up and turned to walk away but was stopped as Soomin grabbed his wrist.

"What?" She asked, her eyes reflecting all the pain that she felt but once again he could care less about her.

"I said it's over. This relationship between us comes to an end at this very moment." He clarified looking directly into her eyes.

"What... no Jin... You can't let some random woman come between us." She pleaded with him as a few tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"She is not a random woman... She is the mother of my child." He responded still looking st her with harsh eyes.

"Jin what the hell are you saying? I am the mother of your child not her. She is just a surrogate." Soomin said letting go of his wrist as more tears fell.

"No... no... T-there is no point in hiding this... Y/N is not a surrogate. She is the mother of my child. I cheated on you with her When we got into that arguement were you left for a few days. A month later she told me that she was pregnant and that I'd when I came up with the surrogate idea." He explained blankly while Soomin could only stand there looking at him in shock.

She felt like a bucket of ice water had just been poured over her head. She always knew that something had been wrong with this whole surrogate situation but she never pried into it.

"W-what?" She whispered hoping that she heard him wrong but his cold emotionless eyes said otherwise.

"You heard me right." He responded without a care.

He was upset with her right now for what she had done to Y/N and he would probably regret telling her like this later on.

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