Chapter 2

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I watched her walk past me sending me a sweet smile that I could die for. Her scent pulled me into a strong trance where she was the only thing that filled my imagination.

How could a stranger have such an effect on me.

When I finally got out of my trance I turned back so I could see her one last time but she was gone. I looked around frantically but she was nowhere in sight. I felt my heart break a little when I could not see the beautiful stranger. My mind wavering back to how she smelt. an angel...

Maybe my mind was just playing with me. How could she had just disappeared like that? Was she even real?

Of course she is real and this was just a way for fate to play with my heart. That dream could not become true. An angel like her could not suffer through the pain that my dream had brought.

Concluding that I was just tired I decided to head back home. I could not afford to see that girl again and get more attached that I already was. Even though I wanted to see her again I could not let fate play with us and our possible children.

Possible children

Ok I think I must be going crazy now so I decided to take my leave now. I walked home instead of taking my car because I was trying to avoid being alone but what was the point if I was going to be home alone.

Soomin never got home early so I would be alone for a couple of hours since I left work pretty early.

When I arrived home a feeling of love and comfort hit me as I imagined seeing the girl in the livingroom waiting for me.

I imagined that she would come up to give me a welcoming hug and kiss as I greet her back. She would wrap her arms around me lovingly as we embrace each other in the comfort of our home.

"Why are you smiling so much?" A voice broke me out of my thoughts.

Soomin stood infront of me with a raised brow. The smile that I once had disappeared and was replaced by annoyance and dread as I looked at her. I have never felt this way about her which was weird. Her presence made the room seem so cold making me want to run out of the house.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about something." I replied boredly and walked passed her and into the kitchen.

"And what? You are not gonna give me a kiss?" She followed me into the kitchen and pulled my wrist bringing my steps to a halt.

"Soomin please leave me alone. I am not in the mood for this." I pulled my wrist away and walked toward the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"But a few seconds ago you were in the mood. Is it because of me? Jin you are never in the mood when it comes to me. I am tired of this. Just tell me if you are falling out of love with me." She wiped her tears away that had already fallen. I could see through her fake act.

Could you even say I was in love with her?

"Soomin you are talking nonsense. Of course I love you." I tried to assure her but the words made me cringe.

"Then make love to me Jin. We haven't made love in so long. I miss the feeling of us being intimate." She exclaimed taking steps closer to me. I took steps back not wanting to be close to her.

"No Soomin. Not now" I tried to push her away but my back hit the wall.

"Jin I want to do it now. I need you." She tried whispering seductively in my ear but it omly made me want to puke.

"No." I firmly pushed her away casing her to sigh out in frustration.

"You know what if you don't want to do this I am leaving. I can't deal with you anymore. We are breaking up. I can see you don't love me anymore." She walked walked out of the kitchen to the room.

I chased after her not wanting her to leave me alone in this house with my thoughts. They would definitely kill me so I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my chest kissing her roughly in the process.

She tried to pull away but I held her in place.

"You wanted me to show you that I love you then here you go." Before she could respond I kissed her roughly again.


I collapsed on the bed and Soomin rested her head on my chest. Both of us panting like dogs. I felt disgusted with what we had just done. The only way for me to get through this session was to imagine that I was making love to that girl.

How could she have grown so close to me so quickly. I didn't even know her but she was already so precious  to me.

"Do you want to go another round?" She asked.

Before she turned around I closed my eyes and prtended to be asleep hoping she would fall for my act. I heard her sigh before getting up and going to the kitchen.

When I heard the door close I opened my eyes. I felt bad for Soomin but my heart now belonged to another who I could not get.

Throughout our session I could not get that girl out of my heard. Everything about her enticed me so muche. Her beautiful eyes, lips and face. I wanted her to be in Soomin's place. I wanted her to be the one I made love to every night. The one I would caress and cuddle with after we made passionate love.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep but before that I felt Soomin get onto the bed and try to hug me but I moved away. She sighed once again and turned around to sleep with her back facing me.

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