Chapter 12

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Three days had gone by since our meet with Y/N and I had finally convinced Soomin that Y/N was the perfect surrogate mother for our child.

When we had first got home from the meet with Y/N she was totally against her but now she has accepted the idea.

Right now we were heading to the clinic for the procedure and I couldn't help but to feel nervous. I was a little worried that something would go wrong and Soomin would find out that Y/N was already pregnant with my child.

But Y/N did ensure me that I could completely trust the doctor and he would not say a word to Soomin.

"You've been awfully quiet." Soomin said breaking the silence in the car.

I gave her a quick glance before turning back to the road.

"I'm just a little nervous is all." I answered.

"Why are you nervous? Just think about it that in a few months we will be able to hold our bundle of joy." She said excitedly.

"Yeah but for that to happen the procedure has to be successful." I answered which kind of killed her mood a bit.

"Well are you doubting that friend of your now? See I told we should have got someone more professional." She said trying to blame Y/N for my nerves.

"Soomin that's not what I meant. I am not doubting Y/N at all. And I thought we had been already passed this. I don't understand why you dislike Y/N so much when she has shown that she can be trust. Please just give her a chance." I said softly but inside I was very irritated by her behaviour.

"Okay, whatever." She rolled her eyes as she replied.

The car then went back to it's silent atmosphere.

When we finally arrived at the hospital I saw Y/N standing on the side of the entrance but I first had to park the car. After parking the car Soomin and I got out and I made sure to be quick to the entrance.

"Y/N!" I called out and she quickly turned to us.

"Oh hi." She greeted us while Soomin just sent her a subtile nod.

"I'm sorry if we kept you waiting long." I apologized but she shook her head slightly.

"No it's alright. I just arrived not so long ago. Are you g-" she was about to ask but was cut off by a ride Soomin.

"Can we go on already. There is no time to get friendly when we have an appointment." She said before walking into the hospital.

I saw Y/N look down as she awkwardly followed behind Soomin. I felt my blood boil at how rude Soomin being to Y/N.

I soon caught up to Soomin and nudged her gently in the ribs.

"Could you stop being so rude to Y/N. You have no right to treat her this way especially when she is doing us such a huge favour." I whispered to her making sure that Y/N did not hear me.

Soomin just shrugged off what I said as she continued to look straight while walking. I could not understand why she was being so childish and stubborn.

"When we arrived at the door of the office, Y/N gently knocked before a tall man opened it. When he saw Y/N he smiled at her which made me feel a bit strange.

He allowed as to come in and sit down.

"It's good to meet you Mr and Mrs Kim. I am Docter Jones Jongin. I will be with you throughout the whole procedure and pregnancy phase of successful. Y/N has informed me of everything about your situation and we have already done the needed tests to see if she can be a suitable surrogate. The test all came out well. And if the both of you are are fine with everything we can start with the procedure today." He explained.

"So she is healthy enough to carry our child?" Soomin asked the doctor who turned to look at her.

"Yes." He simply answered.

"So what time to we start with everything?" I asked.

"We can start at ten since we will need to get you ready." He said and I nodded.

He then began explaining everything that we Ould need to do before the procedure began. Soomin and I wouldn't be in the room since they would not be doing any thing to Y/N since she was already pregnant.

Soomin wanted to be in the room but I convinced her otherwise.


"The procedure was a success and now we just need to wait a week or two to see if the insemination is successful. And hopefully in nine months you will both be holding your healthy newborn." He said with a smile.

Soomin smiled back. She seemed to have accepted it all now.

"Thank you so much for this." I said before we all bid out goodbyes and walked out.

Not the best but well it's a chapter. I also don't know the process of becoming a surrogate so bear with me okay. It's all just for the fic😅

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