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4:00am Y/n's POV

"where am i?"

is the only thing i could ask to myself, I've been walking all around this forest but i still dont have an idea on where the hell am i, my feet steps on the soft grass as i could feel the warm breeze messing my long medium curls up.

i wandered around the place, every step i take, the place starts to get more and more familiar to me, have i been in this place? i don't even know how i got in here, and i don't see anyone here as well.

i'm alone.

the sun is starting to set, the sky's color is a mixture of light orange and sky blue, the wind starts getting stronger, and noises from nature starts appearing, i start to get scared, i hate it when i'm alone, especially in the woods.

i looked around, until i saw a tall figure walking a few meters away from me, the man is wearing all white, and he was going further away from me.

he might know the way home.

I started to run, hoping I could still catch up to him, but he is walking fast, to the point where it's nearly impossible to catch up.

i ran as quickly as possible, but not until i tripped over...




"Y/n, wake up! You're gonna be late for school!" i hear a loud voice coming from a female voice.

i slowly opened my eyes, i looked around the place and realize that i'm just in my bedroom, and not in some random forest where i don't even know how i got there.

"stop daydreaming and get your ass up already" the female voice added.

it's actually just my annoying older sister, her name is Rose, she's 19, almost turning 20, and soon off to go to college, she shares the same humor and personality with me.

"just a minute" i replied and scratched the back of my head, the sun's rays shines brightly all over my face, causing me to squint.

she ignored me and continued to do what she is currently doing, she's quite in a hurry right now, she snatched her uniform from her closet and ran to the toilet, but almost tripped over.

i chuckled and tried to hide my face, she glared at me from the back


"Good morning" I greet everyone who is already in the dining table eating their food.

except for that one man who i could see beside my mom, my mood instantly changed.

"Good morning to you Y/n and Rose, here's your food" our mom replied.

we sat down beside each other and began to eat out breakfast.

"Y/n, what time did you go home last night? Your dad and I were so worried for you" my mom asked with a frown.

I looked up at my mom and took a sigh, Rose knew what happened but she decided to stay quiet.

"since when did dad cared about me?" i asked with a frown, my sister placed a hand on my lap to stop me from continuing my words.

"Y/n, manners while on the table, please" my mom added.

Just by looking at that man in the same table with us could never make my blood boil so much.

i looked down to the table

"I just did a school project in my friend's house, wasn't that late" i replied.

"10pm is already late, you shouldn't be staying out that late, but instead, you should be here at 8pm, sharp" my mom demanded.

i sighed and nodded my head, i looked at my sister on the side, she stayed quiet all through out.

my mom looked at both of us in a suspicious way, but also shrugs it off and continues to eat.


"Y/n, you know i can't defend you all the time" Rose takes the other strap of her backpack as we start to walk to our school campus.

" i know, thanks for defending me" i smiled at her, she gave me a worried look.

"i'm going to my classroom, take care chubs" she replied, we waved goodbye and part our ways.

as i start to walk inside the hallway, i could see the amount of students talking and laughing with each other, while others are decorating their classrooms for the upcoming christmas season.

Christmas, what a splendid moment.

happy memories start to come up in my head, i remember those times when my mom would cook in the night before Christmas comes, Me and my sister playing in the living room, and end up breaking a vase on the end.

i smiled while walking, no one could really tell what's under my mask.

we may acted cringe but atleast our smiles weren't fake.

in all of the Christmas Seasons with me and my family, That man honestly never attended and celebrated Christmas with us, nor was present in our childhood.

Just hearing or seeing that man makes me wanna puke, and i never want to talk about him ever again.

Just. No.

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