f o u r t y - s e v e n

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today's the weekend and you're supposed to be at home resting, but you didn't want to since Jimin's case has been making you overthink for days now, you know that you're not supposed to be thinking like this since it's unhealthy and your secretary has made your schedule for today.

but you didn't follow his words as you decided to get out of your home to explore and investigate more about Jimin's case.

you have to admit, you didn't know where to start, but when you read his file even longer, you finally figured out an idea of where to start.

you didn't wear anything stylish since you weren't in the mood to, just an oversized shirt and cargo pants will do, you set your hair in a ponytail, took the necessary things, and went downstairs.

"where are you going?" Rose asks curiously as she sees you all dressed up with some papers in your hands.

"Auntiee can I come with you?" your little niece chases you as she wraps her arms around your leg, you smile at her cuteness.

"as much as I want to, little girl, I can't. this is work-related" you chuckle at her.

"work on weekends? Oh, Y/n those clients gotta give u a break" your sister says annoyingly, she places a hand on her hip and her daughter mimics and copies her mom while staring at you sassily.

you laugh at their cuteness as mom and daughter.

"Well, this case is very important to me and I need to study about this, but don't worry, I'll be back"

"And I'll buy you 10 of your favorite ice cream brand" you squeeze her huge cheeks and she begins to get excited.

'Okay, please come back early" she pouts at you.

"yes, I agree" Rose agrees with her daughter, you give them a smile and bid goodbye to them.


memories begin to fill up your mind as soon as you take your first step inside and reminisce

about the old school campus that you used to attend in Middle school and Senior High, your mouth shows off a small smile altogether reminiscent of your old school days, those days were the best times of your life.

you see a couple of students walking and laughing altogether, some are hitting each other in a fun way, and it makes you remember the motto of your old friends.

you admit you were a huge trouble maker and you loved skipping classes and having to fake your identity to go to a club and get a drink for fun with your friends.

those times and s were so fun and artwork, you begin to look around and see all of the posters that the students have made for the upcoming Science fair, you saltworks.

you continue to walk aroIsn'tnd you're met with a couple of glances, but those weren't judgmental or hateful loons, it was admiration and beauty.

"Isn't that Attorney Y/n?" someone from the side ask.

"yeah I think so, she's so pretty on television and is prettier in real life!" another one replies.

you couldn't hide but smile under your mask as you continue to walk even further, everyone began to greet you nicely and comforting manner and you thank them for their hospitality.

you never knew how popular you are until they're the ones who approach you.


you walk towards the same door where you used to attend every day, it looks the same as before, but you begin to wonder if the teacher is the same person as the one who you used to have before.

you check the timetable beside the door and you see that classes have ended just 10 minutes ago, you finally have the chance to knock on that door.


you wait for a reply but no one answers you, so you slowly leave the area when someone opens the door for you.

you turn to the door, revealing the same old teacher that you used to have a way back in Senior High.

Professor Hope.

he got stunned by you, he opens his mouth wide in shock and his eyes widen as soon as he sees you once again at the door, his eyes scan you from head to toe as he admires how professional and daring you look right now.

you can him back, you didn't expect this but he stayed quite the same as how he looked these past few years, his visuals barely changed and his way of clothing changed a bit so does the style of his hair.

knowing that he may just be a few years older than you, you're impressed by how young he looks right now.

Professor Hope: Y-y/n, i-is t-that you?

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