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after 2 hours of locking herself up in her room, and staying in one particular corner of her room, she feels thirsty, tired, and hungry at the same time now.

and then she forgot to drink her coffee downstairs, and it's totally cold now.

she takes a sigh, and gets some courage to stand up from where she was and goes downstairs.

she goes down, seeing her sister on the couch, and infront of her is the coffee she placed last 2 hours ago.

"where's mom?" Y/n asks.

"I don't know, but I think she left" she answers while staring straight at the tv without looking at her.

she sighs and goes to the kitchen to make some new coffee, but then she sees her dad sitting down on the kitchen counter top, staring at the marble table.

she stares at him with full disappointment in her eyes, she thought that everything will be fine, but no, it just got way worse.

"why are you not leaving yet?" Y/n asks with full bravery in her voice.

her dad slowly looks up in a sad way and stares at her daughter.

"Y/n my dear, I can explain" he says

the way he is calling her dear makes her blood boil, she never wanted to hear him say that.

"what are you going to explain to me? that you hurt mom's feelings once again?"her voice cracks and a tear escaped from her eyes.

"no, t-that's not what I meant-" he got cut off by her.

"what did you not meant?! that you keep breaking this family that has been already broken since you left!! you keep trying to come and come back here hoping that this will be fixed again but in fact, it just keeps getting more and more shattered! We were already doing great when you weren't around, why did you come back?!?!" Y/n's voice is loud and clear, enough to be heard by Rose, her voice is filled with anger, guilt, disappointment, and everything.

"we-we were already doing better, so much better without you!!!!, mom was able to feed and send us to school without your money from gambling, she s-struggled but she did it, and now! we d-dfinitely don't need you anymore! so p-please, just l-leave a-already!" her voice starts to stutter as tears keep flowing from her face.

her dad stays quiet, not knowing what to do, he gulps his saliva.

Y/n could no longer take looking at him, so she wipes her tears off and walks out of the kitchen.

"Y/n, w-where are you going-" Rose asks but Y/n shuts the front door closed.


she starts to walk somewhere,to the nearest park from her house, people who are passing by stares at her, she's still wearing her pajamas but she doesn't care on what they're thinking.

all she needs is just some fresh air.

she feels the warm breeze hit her whole body and her hair getting messed up a bit, she is loving how the fresh air dries her wet tears off.

and the sadness that has been stuck inside her for years.

she has been keeping all of the pain that her family has been experiencing, here you see, her dad used to gamble a lot, use their family's savings for gambling and sad to say, drugs. He wasn't the typical dad, he never helped their mom for his children's needs, and he was never a responsible dad.

ever since Y/n was little, they really fought a lot, to the point where it affected her and up until now.

it was pain how her dad spent almost all of the family's savings, the money that their mom worked hard for.

even when she was pregnant, she used to work to have some money, but when his husband gambled it all, she and her children were left with nothing, they had to experience hunger and sleepless nights.

and their dad did nothing.

he was always addicted to alcohol and drugs, he would drink everytime he loses from the casino, it would drive him to be abusive.

little Y/n has seen everything, and she was just quiet, but not blind

"what's the point of calling him dad when he never did a role of being one?"

she finds a bench on the side, she sits down and observes the environment around her.

this is what she needed, peace.

peace from all of those screams
peace from all of those anger
peace from all of those sadness
peace from all of those guilt

and she has been keeping all of those words, feelings, emotions to herself.

and now she has said everything that has been stuck for what felt like forever.

she observes the sky blue coloured sky above her, the clouds being puffy, and the beautiful sun.

the sky has been always labelled as peace for her, it makes her chest soften and lighten, it also changes her mood.

the heavy pain in her heart will go off soon.

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