t w e n t y - e i g h t

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you mentally stay silent while looking into his eyes, his hand feels soft and warm, but it isn't as warm as Jimin's hold.

his feels different

"b-but, why me?" you question him.

he was about to say something until the host calls out for your and Jin's attention

"Y/n and Jin, proceed with the love moments later please," the host says, her eyes widen at both of you with a smile and everyone followed it with a laugh

you try to deny it but they don't mind your response, he ignores what the host said and focuses on you instead. Jin offers his hand for you to hold, you look at him one last time with a bit of hesitation, but he shows you a little nod and blinks at you.

you slowly place your hand on his palms, he couldn't hide his reaction anymore but smile, then you both slowly walk to the middle of the crowd until you both are facing each other

"they look so perfect for each other" you hear a senior say it.

but you can't say thank you or yes i agree with you, you feel so goddamn guilty.

Jin unhurriedly fixes the hold of your hand against his.

Jin: can I touch you here?

he asks while pointing at the side of your waist, you show a small smile at him as a signal of yes.

he smiles at you then slowly places his hand on the side of your waist, his movements are slow but you still get shocked as if you got ectrocuted.

Jin: am I too fast? or am i making you nervous? should i be slower?

he starts asking a few questions while his face starts to panic.

you're starting to like how he wants u to be comfortable in his hands.

me: no, don't worry.

you let out a chuckle as the music starts to play, both of you guys start to dance as the music flows.

you love how he's so gentle and asks if he's slow or fast enough for you to catch up on, he also panics when he does a bit too much but you don't seem to mind.

me: relax, I'm not going to hurt you.

you laugh at his reaction, he looks at you again and back to the movements both of you are doing.

the music is slow and relaxing to the ears, everyone seems to be minding their own business and so do y'all.

Jin: d-did I scare you?

me: what do you mean?

you furrow your eyebrows at him in confusion.

Jin: when I told you that I was supposed to be asking you to be my date, did I scare you?

he makes a line on his lip then looks down to check if you both are following the same foot steps as the others.

me: well, you asking me out is something unexpected so yeah, kinda.

Jin: I am sorry...

his voice turned deep and sad and that made you feel a lot guilty for him as he looks down more, you cup his cheek.

me: no don't be, please.

he holds your hand that's on his cheek and places it back to his collarbone.

Jin: we might fail this dance so keep your hands placed on the right spot.

he cackles at you with a beam, you laugh at how he makes jokes in the right time.


you and Jin have been dancing with your other batchmates for 10 minutes straight, your feet starts to tingle, making it ache a bit.

but you could still hold the pain, your hands are also starting to get tired and sweaty from holding his hand and waist so you just placed them on his collarbone.

he blushed when you did that but you didn't notice him because you were busy looking around.


something keeps moving on the corner of your eyes, you try to check if it is a person passing by.

Author: of course, there are other people dancing with you so there should be

Y/n: not now please!

*the author ignores her*

the author is right, sometimes it is a person on the sides, but mostly, no.

you start to question yourself if you're sick or what, but you're not, you could definitely see.

and now you feel like someone's watching your movements, you try to look around again.

and there you saw him


standing right in front of the entrance door, staring at you in disbelief with someone.

he looks at you once again and without any hesitation, he went out of the venue.

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