t h i r t y - s e v e n

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"Y/n, what's happening to you these past few days?" Professor Hope asks you as he checks every requirement he asked each student to bring

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"Y/n, what's happening to you these past few days?" Professor Hope asks you as he checks every requirement he asked each student to bring.

you couldn't say anything since everything has been so fucked up every day ever since you stopped seeing him.

'' just feel down, Professor" you honestly express words at him

he pitifully looks at you but you didn't care about his reaction anymore, you just wanna leave and stare straight at the smartboard everyday

"do you want to talk about it with me?" he offers nicely.

and that is the time that a small smile appeared on your face after a few weeks of being sad and broken.

you want to talk to someone about it but you're afraid that the person might judge you and call you delusional but you do know Professor Hope, he will never judge you even if you got 0 on a quiz.

you slowly nod at him then he gives you a reassuring smile.

his smile warms you up in the darkest days.


most students have passed their requirements to Professor Hope and now everyone has free time or the time when other students would try to complete their requirements in other subjects.

"so, what's bothering you?" Professor Hope asks while stirring his coffee.

"I'm just missing someone who hasn't shown up to me for months" you try to say it as if it's a silly thing but he just keeps listening.

you look down as you watch yourself play with your fingers.

"I know it's silly haha but-" you got cut off by Professor Hope as he shuts you up with his index finger.

"Not a word," he says as silence takes over the place.

"Okay so, missing someone is normal and it can affect us, but not to the point that it affects you daily" his tone goes from a happy to a sad one.

your chest gets heavier as he continues to speak, you were unaware of what s happening to you because of a man.

"You have a point, Professor" you show him a little smile and he smiles back.

"This is the first time I've seen you smile after some time" he adores your smile, yes, he is right.

sadness has taken you over a lot and you finally feel better that you've shown a smile and to him specifically.

"so, who do you miss? is it a relative?" he asks curiously.

"you can whisper it in my ear if you don't want anyone to hear it" he giggles as he moves his ear closer to you.

"well it's hard to explain" you state out and he gives you a downward smile.

"oooooh, is it your boyfriend?" he laughs.

you didn't know what to reply next, he isn't your boyfriend, nor your relative or friend, and it's pretty hard to explain who he is.

you just saw him then boom. fall in love

"well, kind of" you state out.

he shows you a mischievous smirk as he leans more to hear some of your words, well, he isn't making you uncomfortable with his actions but it makes your mood lighten even a bit.

Reallyy? when was the last time he showed up to you?" he asks.

After the prom night, he disappeared like dust" you straightforwardly said, making a huge silence between you both.

"After that night, I keep looking for him but I received nothing but failure" your voice deepens.

your chest gets heavier as you finally express what's in your mind and heart, you needed to tell it to someone, someone who can understand and not judge you.

"he studies here right?" he asks one last time and you nod.

"do you still want to see him?" he asks.

you look at him with a tired look and slowly nod,

"Actually, I tried to look for the class he told me, he said his class is Class J but when I tried to look for that specific class, there wasn't" you shut your eyes as you're trying your best not to let the tears down.

"Class J? I do recall that there was a Class J but then it was removed so the students got distributed to different sections" he confesses.

your mind lightens at his voice, you choose to believe that there's still hope for seeing him once again.

"really? so where was Jimin assigned to?" you ask right away.

Professor Hope widens his eyes a bit to you as he sips his unfinished coffee and then gulps very heavily, he didn't answer you anymore as he stays silent while looking into your eyes.

"y-you don't know?" he mutters in his deep voice.

his happy and active tone became sad and deep, you couldn't understand why he is now acting like this, he was just happy a few minutes ago.

"d-don't know w-what?" your brain starts to get activated as you sense that he knows something about him and you begin to get interested.

"h-he is already dead" he mutters

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