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Unknown Person's POV

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Unknown Person's POV

"do you think you can outbrain me?" 

I say as I observe your physical state, my eyes crawl down to your head going to the rest of your unconscious body.

how dare you try to do shit behind my back.

do you think I wouldn't know?

you're currently sitting down on a chair, and your whole body is tied in it with your hands and feet to prevent you from going elsewhere.

you're currently unconscious so you're just napping, head tilted to the side as your eyes are currently shut.

I observe you as you sleep soundly against the chair.

I admit you're beautiful, really beautiful, I always wanted you to become mine.

I would do anything just to make you mine and prove how much I love you to the point when I killed someone just for you.

but unfortunately, a bastard came my way and it failed.

I was so in love with you to the point where I'd kill every man who would try to talk to you.

I form my hand into a fist as I remember that day when he tried to approach you for the first time and suddenly it worked like it was nothing.

my other empty hand cups your angelic face carefully while you peacefully sleep

this face that I'm holding is who I always wanted to have

and now, it's in my hands

I slowly bend my body towards you as I plant a kiss on your forehead.

you furrow your eyebrows while your eyes are still shut closed and tilt your head to the side.

you slowly open your eyes 

end of Unknown Person's POV.

You furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head to the side, you keep getting disturbed by a hand on your face and got annoyed by that, so you slowly open your eyes to see...


he's right in front of you, the distance between his face and yours feels like a centimeter apart, you gulp your head as you see him smirk right in front of your face.

"had a good sleep, baby girl?" he smirks at you.

you tried to get his filthy hand off from your soft cheek with your hand but you couldn't, you realize that you're tied up all over your body against a metal chair, so you just flinched your head tot he side to get rid of his hand.

"what a feisty girl, I like that" he looks directly into your eyes and shows off a devilish smirk.

"fucking let me go!" you demanded while you keep moving your body to get away from the ropes around your body but he laughs at your struggling state.

"why would I? after I knew that you were actually trying to trick on me? not so fast" he raises his index finger and wiggles it from left to right with a matching devilish smirk plastered on his face.

you guess your plan didn't worked on trying to get him arrested, at this point you just want to cry your eyes out

not because you got caught by him and you're now in his hands

but because you failed to give Jimin the justice he deserves for a very long time.

you have thought of quitting at this point, but your other personality didn't liked that so you encourage yourself

you know that you're still far from the finish line, but at least you've come father than where you started, so why stop midway?

"have nothing to say?" he looks at you with a smirk while staring at your state, he smiles at how desperate and pity you look in his hands

but you won't let this happen.

"I have, A LOT! WHY DID YOU KILL JIMIN?" you scream on top of your lungs, he turns his head to the side a bit and a laugh follows

you look at him in disgust because he keeps laughing even though there's nothing to laugh about.

"I didn't liked it when he talked to you in a seductive way, so I killed him" 

your eyes began to go all watery until a tear escaped from it, your heart shatters at his words.

what a shallow reason to cut a person's life, a person who still had dreams in life, a person who wants to prove to everyone that he's more than a smart and handsome person.

'W-why?" is all that you could say, your voice breaks instantly as you could feel your body shaking, pearls of sweat going down from your forehead.

"because you're mine, all mine, and I can kill any man who would try to come near you" he gives you one last look before cracking his knuckles.

your mood changed from sad to mad right away, you look at him in disgust after he said those words.

who does he think he is? Jimin?

"First of all, I HATE YOU! why would you assume that I'd love someone like you, Second, you're gonna pay for killing J-jimin, I SWEAR I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!!" you scream once again.

your scream was deafening to the point where he froze instantly at your words, you obviously have the power to ruin Jake's entire life just by filing a case.

"only if you can" he laughs at your words

you feel disrespected by his words, he's putting your capabilities down, but then you remember that you're Attorney Y/n, one of the most powerful people in the country

and you're just showing off half of your ultimate power.

"You don't know who you're messing with" you tell him coldly while clenching your teeth due to anger and stress.

"Oh Attorney Y/n is in front of me, I'm so scared" he pretends to be scared while mimicking a scared person's movements while trying to shake being scared

but instead of feeling mocked, you strengthen yourself once again.

a man could never bring you down.

"Is she awake?" another man's voice magically appeared on the door.

"yeah" Jake replies.

who the hell is this man?

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