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"So, it's 2019, not 2249. The world hasn't succumbed to nuclear war, and there's no NPS. Also, thirty fricking percent of humans have powers. And I thought one percent was enough."

Harper had gathered information on the world she appeared to inhabit. "By the looks of my photos folder, I appear to have been born female here, and those people I met are actually my family. No more calling her 'the woman' then."

"It'll be weird getting to know a family I never had. And just how am I gonna explain my constant lack of memory to them? Should I tell them the truth? Do they even have powers?"

Harper's ongoing train of verbal thoughts was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Yes?" She answered, unaware she was still standing.

The door opened, and a short girl walked inside. She had brunette hair that parted in the middle and flowed to her lower back, and she was wearing a black polo shirt with some logo embroidered on it, along with jeans.

"Look at you standing up; Mom said you were still paralyzed from the waist down," she said.

"Hmm, I'm sorry, who are you?" Asked Harper, who couldn't remember how many siblings she had. "Oh right, amnesia. Mom mentioned it. I'm your younger sister, Zoey."

"But I'm the favorite, so don't get any funny ideas." Harper laughed at Zoey's teasing smile more so than her joke.

"So, how are you?" Harper sat on the bed while Zoey sat on the chair next to it, asking her. "I don't know, not really. I feel like I'm in a bad dream, and I'll wake up soon," Harper answered.

"Hey, you just woke up, you'll have your memory back in no time, and everything will go back to normal. Well, maybe except for the years you lost, but still," Zoey tried to comfort Harper unsuccessfully.

"Could you," Harper hesitated. "Could you tell me more about our family? About this house? It's so huge," She asked.

"Sure, first there's Mom and Dad. Oh, did you see their bedroom downstairs? The one with the double doors? It's like, half of the house."

"Up here you have Tom; Mom said he carried you here like a princess," she teased Harper, then continued.

"Tom's is the first door on this floor if you want to go annoy him. You two tease each other constantly; you call him Prince Charming, and he calls you Princess, almost exclusively."

"After yours, the next door is mine. You're always welcome to visit. And upstairs you have Chris's room and the twins, Mikey and Milly. Oh, and some rec rooms we have," Zoey finished her explanation.

"Rec rooms?" Harper asked. "Yeah, there's one with a TV and a few gaming consoles and a study filled with books; we mostly used it like an office," she answered.

"Then why are the twins sharing a room? That doesn't make sense," Harper expressed her confusion.

"Don't ask me. It was their choice. Those two have been together since they were born, and they're very close, so they decided to stick with it. Too late now to change their mind," Zoey shrugged.

"By the way," Zoey said as she was getting up to leave, "you named the twins when you were like eight, in case you wondered why their names are so similar," she said nonchalantly.

"Oh, okay. Wait, what?" Harper yelled to Zoey, who had already left the room. "I'll go tell Mom you're up," she yelled back as the door closed.

Harper rolled her eyes and laid back on the bed. "I don't sense anyone using powers nearby. Maybe this family is normal. It couldn't be so bad, living with a normal family."

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