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Police cars filled the street and sirens overtook the regular noises of the street. Every officer was ready to storm the building.

The junior officers established a perimeter around the bank and kept citizens away from danger. S.W.A.T. teams were ready to move, and a mobile command was overseeing everything.

The police made several attempts to contact the suspects inside, but none were answered.

"Sir, I have an idea, but it's a little unorthodox," came up one of the officers to the lieutenant in charge.

"How unorthodox?" He asked. "It's a civilian." The lieutenant laughed him off and returned to the monitors.

The next call to the bank's phone was answered, but the suspect spoke before the negotiator could. "I want every police officer to go back to the closest precinct and wait there."

"One unarmed officer with a power dampener may stay. Once we know it is safe, we will leave with our loot. You may not follow us. Once we are away, the officer will tell you it is safe, and you'll be able to get the hostages."

"Every ten minutes you don't comply, a hostage will be executed." The phone line died after the suspect ended his words. The command center was busy trying to think of a way to solve the matter.

After ten minutes, a hostage was thrown out of the bank's door. As he was getting up to his feet, he was shot down from inside the building.

Officers started moving to get to the hostage and get him to medical aid, but it was already too late.

"Get ready to move the S.W.A.T. team," ordered the lieutenant. The teams moved in, but they were quickly pinned down by gunfire.

"Officer down, officer down. We need medical assistance at the southern exit." The radio buzzed with voices. "Sir, I-" Started the officer. "Make the call," said the lieutenant, cutting the officer off, and he left the command center.

Another ten minutes were up. The suspects let out another hostage, and to prove themselves to the police, it was a little girl.

She started walking away from the bank with a teddy bear in her arms. She was crying, and as she heard the gun go off, she looked at the sky.

Yet, she didn't die. In the sky was an angel with wings made of light.

The angel came down to her and hugged her. All of a sudden, she was next to a police car. The lieutenant came out and saw the little girl. He came to her and asked what happened.

"It was the angel; the angel saved me." The lieutenant ran to the front line and saw Harper.

Harper walked slowly toward the bank. The robber at the door fired at her, but all the bullets fell to the ground in front of her.

She moved behind the robber and grabbed him, taking his gun and throwing him out of the bank.

Officers quickly moved in and arrested him. Harper moved further into the building.

The robbers on the bank floor were startled by her but had no chance to act before she was already behind them.

She hit them both on their necks, which made them lose consciousness and fall to the ground.

Harper closed her eyes and focused. She sent a small pulse and used it like a sonar to determine where the last robbers were.

"Must be my lucky day," she thought as she found the last three robbers all together in the bank's vault, emptying the money inside.

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