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"Anyway, I think I'll get a response from them the day after tomorrow." Zoey was burying her head in Harper's pillows as she talked. "Boring," Zoey commented and raised her head.

"Where is the action? The 'I've dissolved someone accidentally'? The electric wings? You're Harper freaking Dollinger, and you wasted your power on trying to become a doctor?" Zoey complained and buried her head again.

"Okay, first, how do you know about that dissolve thing? Second, what's so wrong with wanting a normal and boring life?" Harper asked.

Zoey started slapping Harper as she was lying next to her. "You, don't, get, to, have, a, boring, life." She said each word after each slap.

"You're amazing, more than I could ever hope to be, and you want to waste that? Go and destroy terrorists. Help insurgents take down dictators. You're the strongest human to have ever lived and you want to waste your life teaching."

Harper didn't understand, but she could see the tears in Zoey's eyes. "Is this because you're level one?" She asked.

"Yes, it is," Zoey started crying. "I'm nothing, and you, with everything you are, don't want it." Harper hugged Zoey and whispered in her ear, "would you like to be more?"

Zoey looked confused at Harper, "how?" Harper smiled; "the same way I helped you remember the vision that showed you the field. I think I can help enhance your power to a higher level if you'd want to."

Zoey beamed up, "yes, yes, I do. Right now, please, Harper, please." Harper smiled, "lay down and close your eyes."

Zoey laid down on the bed, and Harper sat at her head. Harper put her hands on Zoey's head and connected with the flow of energy inside her.

This time, although it is only metaphorical, Harper focused on the core part of her power instead of the vision.

Harper let her energy flow with Zoey's natural energy and together, they managed to amplify the stream. She could feel each cell as it absorbed the new energy.

Zoey shot her eyes open and they were glowing white. Harper moved away from the bed, but Zoey wasn't moving.

"Zoe?" She asked, scared that she may have hurt her sister.

"When the darkness comes and destroys all, the HyperCore will rise. Pure soul and able body, bring the pieces together and the Core will win the day."

Zoey passed out after saying that, her eyes no longer glowing.

Harper held her head and breathed a sigh of relief as she woke up. "Good, I was so worried about you," Harper said as she hugged her.

"What was that? HyperCore?" Zoey asked, still recovering. "Wait, you remember?" Harper was surprised.

"Well, yeah. I was awake, but I couldn't control my body. What the hell was that?" She asked, slightly upset. "I think you had a prophecy, Zoey."

Zoey looked up at Harper, who was pleased with herself. She rolled her eyes, "whatever, I'm gonna go get some rest."

As she was about to leave, she was stopped. "Hey, Harper. You've got a text from some girl named Anna. I'm running a background check and, oh. OH!"

Pai spoke from the speakers, and Zoey turned back in her tracks. "THE Anna? The girl from the date, Anna? Ho ho ho, Christmas came early this year; what are you going to say?"

"What did she send, Pai?" Harper deflected. "Hey, I know that kiss was weird, but we haven't spoken since, and it took me a long time to gather the courage to text you, so I would like to know if you'd like to go out again. Or not. I don't know; it's stupid." Pai finished.

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