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Harper woke up relaxed for the first time since she woke up from the coma. She walked to her bedroom window and looked at the sky.

I don't want to get used to this sky, ever. She started getting ready, but she couldn't make up her mind about which outfit to wear.

She decided to start with makeup and go back to the outfit later. She did her best to follow her sisters' teachings, and she thought she did a good enough job.

When Zoey came to check up on her, she disapproved. "It's cute, but you could've done a better job with the eye shadow. It doesn't really match the rest of your face."

Zoey went into the closet and started throwing clothes at Harper like she always did. 

It didn't occur to Harper until that point, but at that moment, she realized how much Zoey cared for her. She threw the clothes on the bed and hugged Zoey.

"What the hell? Are you still sick?" Zoey put her hand on Harper's forehead to check her temperature. "Thank you. Just, thank you."

Harper took the small pile of clothes and entered the closet to change. "Good, now you look half presentable. We'll work on that."

She rolled her eyes, but Harper did like the sweater dress and black tights combo. She followed Zoey to the car, where Mom was already waiting.

"By the way, Mom, I wanted to go buy some new clothes that are more suited for me," Harper said as they entered the car.

"In that case, we can go to the mall after the hospital, but I'm not paying for anything. If you want new clothes, you have to pay for them yourself." Mom was very strict now that Harper had decided to stay.

They had all the time in the world together, so she wasn't in a hurry to spoil her anymore. "How am I supposed to do that?" Harper cried.

"Oh, I know," Zoey left the car and ran back inside. After a couple of minutes, she came back with a large, pink purse. "Here," she handed it to Harper, "open it."

Harper found a small wallet inside and a plastic card within. "That's the card you use to pay, right?" She asked.

"Very good, she's learning," Zoey answered mockingly. "I, no. It's my fault for falling for that every time."

Mom laughed, "well, if you don't ask, you'll never learn. Just maybe, don't ask your siblings." Harper rolled her eyes, "gee, thanks Mommy."

Zoey giggled a little at that. Harper noticed the weak signal coming off the card and decided to check it.

She found a small amount of information on it; the most important was an address that led her through her phone's connections to a bank.

It wasn't hard for her to hack into the bank's server and locate the account stored in the card with the address.

"Harper Dollinger, account number four-two-two-three-five, balance one-thousand one-hundred and five dollars." Harper read the information from the bank aloud.

"How did you? From the-" Zoey was still unused to Harper's abilities. This world is so complicated, cards for identification instead of biometric markers, Harper thought. She started researching financial systems and how money works in this world.


"I don't know what to say," the doctor was baffled. "Your body is back to normal. No sign of foreign matter in your brain. You are perfectly healthy."

Mom was ecstatic, and Zoey cheered, but Harper was quiet. She already knew that.

"I want you to come back in a month, just to make sure, but I think you're all set," the doctor finished.

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