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"Hi, my name is James. I'll be conducting this interview today. Has the process of today's tests been explained to you?"

Harper sat in a small room with the interviewer. It was just her and him and his little notebook. She felt a little exposed. "No, actually. I have no idea what I'm about to go through."

James sighed. "I'll ask you a few questions. They can be a bit long and tedious and maybe a little personal but try to answer as truthfully as you can. This is important for the results."

"After that, you will go to the testing chambers, and you will be asked to demonstrate your powers and go through physical tests."

"Lastly, after lunch, you will sit with one of the scientists and they will explain the results to you. Now, let's begin."

Harper knew she couldn't tell him the truth. It would be bad if they knew about the other world.

Instead, she told him about the coma and the amnesia, how she started testing her abilities, and completely lied about how she managed to control them in such a short amount of time. She wouldn't dare to speak about the times she lost control.

"What about your family? What is their profile?" James asked. Harper stared blankly.

"My family? I, uh, I have no idea. I know they have powers; I just never actually learned anything about them." James wrote something down, and Harper felt judged by him.

"Last question. What do you hope to get from the test?" James looked directly into her eyes.

What do I hope to get? I don't hope to get anything. I have my power. I can live my whole life without taking this test. I don't really know why I'm here. Was it Mom who made me do it? The officers who told me to get registered?

Harper sat quietly with her thoughts. It was helpful that she could think so fast while she rambled on in her mind. To James, it hadn't been a second.

"I'm here to know myself better, to know what I'm capable of doing." James wrote it all down and stood up.

"Thank you for your cooperation. You can go on to the testing chambers. At the last door of the corridor, there's another waiting room. From there, you'll be called again."

Harper left the room and started walking down the interview-rooms corridor. She was met by a waiting room much like the first one.

Rows of seats and double doors, this time with a sign that read 'Testing.' Harper sat down and scanned the room. There were only two other people besides her, which she remembered from the first room. One adult and one teen.

After a few moments, she was called upon again. It seemed weird to her that they were waiting before she came, but she was called first.

"Ummm, why are you calling me? They were waiting here before me." The assistant giggled, "there are several testing rooms, each with its own team."

"Everyone is assigned teams at the start of the day; yours just happens to be ready first. Well, that, and they were really excited for you."

Harper looked at the assistant. She was young and playful but also had a sense of seriousness. "Why were they excited for me?" Harper asked, confused.

"From what I heard; you're supposed to be the strongest in the world. Everybody wants to see your results." Harper was worried by that answer, but she had to go on.

She followed the assistant to a room filled with scientists. There was gym equipment in one corner, a table with a computer in another corner, and two doors with signs for a pool and a track.

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