When a girl is only trying to impress her father on how she can kill a dragon, but somehow befriends the boy who can't.
(httyd-dragons: race to the edge)
(s t a r t e d : M a y 2n d , 2022)
(e n d e d : -)
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"Get us out of here!" Fishlegs yelled, as the cage continued its way towards the water. Hiccups name leaving the lips of all of the teenagers.
"Move back from the door!" He instructed. Him and Toothless landing in front of the cage. The dragon shot a blast at the lock, only for a scorching red mark to be left, but the lock, still holding.
"Dragon-proof bars? Oh, fascinating," Fishlegs said as he looked further at the cage.
"Oh, for the love of Thor!" Freya groaned. This probably being the worst timing for the blonde to go all scholastic on them.
"Whoever built this ship really knew what they were doing," Hiccup exclaimed just as the boat jolted to the side.
"Oh, you know what would be more fascinating? Getting us out of here!" Snotlout shouted, the ship moving back to it's original position making Fishlegs' face smoosh Snotlout's into the bar.
"Toothless, now!" The brunette instructed his dragon again only for the bars to still hold. "We need more firepower. Guys, dragon calls,"
Each of the teens let out their own roars and whistles, hoping and praying that their dragons would come and find them. Freya put her fingers in her mouth and whistled a short call. The high-pitched noise ringing throughout their ears. Suddenly an eel shot itself on top of the cage, hissing at Hiccup.
"Why'd it have to be eels?" Snotlout whined.
Toothless shot a blast at the slimy creature, protecting his owner. As more eels appeared in the water below.
"Come on!" Hiccup yanked on the door, only seconds later for a slight yelp to leave his lips as an eel attached itself onto his prosthetic. "Aah! Toothless!" The black dragon quickly blasted the eel making it release its hold on Hiccup's foot. "Thanks bud,"
An idea made its way through the brunette boy's brain. He hurriedly unattached his prosthetic from his leg and shoved it between the door and the cage in order to pry it open.
"Uhh! Hookfang, help us! I'm important!" Snotlout screamed.
"Stormfly!" Astrid tried, the boat now going completely vertical.
All three of the girls gripped tightly to the top of the cage as their bodies started to dangle.
"Barf, Belch, get your butts over here!" Ruffnut yelled.
"Uhh! Toothless!" Hiccup called out, him now dangling on the outside of the cage.
The dragon let out a loud snarl before calling out to his fellow dragons. Screams were heard from every teen as the cage began to shake. The three vakyries losing their hold on the bars, making them fall on top of the rest of the group. The door of the cage fell open, leaving the group to start plummeting towards the water. Luckily enough, Snotlout grabbed onto the door as he grabbed Ruffnut's foot, leading the rest of the group to grip onto each other's limbs.