Part 3

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Throughout the day Atticus Finch seemed to plague my mind, although I wasn't sure why. My mind kept drifting to his eyes fluttering open and the scratchy way he spoke. I wondered what he normally sounded like. I shook my head, trying to free myself from those thoughts. I told Doctor Reynolds I was headed home and began the small trek back to my house. It was small and neat and extremely close to the Finch's home as well as the Radley's. Although, I suppose that's normal for such a small town. 

Right before I got to my front porch, the Finch children ran up to me. Scout said, " Thank you very much for taking care of Atticus." I smiled, " Of course. It's my job."

Jem spoke up, " You know, you're mighty pretty."

" Why thank you."

" I think Atticus would like to see you again," Scout said.

I blushed. I'm sure they were making up stories, but if I was honest, I wouldn't mind seeing him again myself. I said, " Well, I'll be back around to check on him in the morning." They smiled at each other. I dismissed their behavior as childish antics and went inside my house. I could hear the children giggling outside as they ran back to their house. I took my hair down and kicked my shoes off, ready for a bath.

I went to my bathroom and took a soothing bath until the water got too cold for my liking. As I was getting dressed, I could hear the crickets outside slowly lulling me to sleep. When I finally got into bed, I fell asleep in an instant.

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of birds singing outside and children playing in the yard. I yawned and got some coffee before getting dressed for the day ahead. I decided to stop by the Finch's before I went to the office since it was on my way anyways. Jem and Scout were outside drinking lemonade on the porch with a new little boy. When I walked up the stairs to their door the kids stopped me. Jem said, " Hey there Miss y/n. Atticus is still asleep, so why don't you meet Dill here real quick."

I agreed and knelt down a bit to shake Dill's hand. He was even smaller than Scout and Jem and he was incredibly pale. I said, " It's lovely to meet you Dill." He said the pleasure was all his, and his face got very red. I put my hand to his forehead and asked if he was feeling alright. 

Jem said, " He's mighty fine ma'am, just thinks you're right beautiful is all." I smiled. " That's very kind of you, but I'm afraid I must go see Atti- I mean, Mr. Finch now." They let me pass and I walked into their house. Calpurnia greeted me and offered me some lemonade which I declined. I told her I would only be a moment and went up to see Atticus. 

He was sitting up in bed, skin devoid of sweat. He was reading a book, but I couldn't see the title. His glasses were falling down his nose a bit and his hair was messy. He had stubble that I hadn't noticed before. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up at me and sat his book down, and pushed his glasses back up. He said, " Hello y/n. Please, come in. As you can see I'm feeling much better and my fever seems to have broken."

I went up to him, suddenly in nurse mode. I pressed my hand to his forehead, then his cheek, checking his temperature. It seemed regular. I asked, " Have you had enough food and water since I last saw you?"

He said. " Yes, you can ask Calpurnia."

" I'll take your word for it. Have you gotten out of bed at all?"

" Yes, a few times to check on the children and use the restroom."

" Good, it sounds like you may be all better by tomorrow."

He nodded. " I should hope so. I'm already behind on work."

I said, " Well, I have to advise you to take it easy a bit longer. The stress may make your fever and fatigue return." He sighed, pushing his blanket off and stood, making me take a step back. He was in a white button up and a pair of dress pants. He said, " As you can see, Miss y/n, I am doing well. Therefore, I think it best I return to work." I shook my head, " Atti- Mr. Finch. I must advise you, as a medical professional to rest a bit longer. At least for today."

He smiled, a glimpse of his white teeth showing. " I suppose you are right, but I can't promise that I won't work." I shook my head. " I must tell you that you can't do that." He buttoned his shirt all the way up, forcing me to notice that it was half way unbuttoned and I could see his chest under it. I looked away, my face glowing red. He said, " I apologize. I forgot that you are still a lady as well as a nurse."

I didn't look back up as I said, " That's alright Atticus. I did intrude without prior notice." 

" Atticus?" His hands dropped to his sides. I could feel his eyes burning a hole into me.

" I'm sorry Mr. Finch, that just slipped out."

He chuckled softly, a deep chuckle that came from his chest. His chest that I had seen. His chest that I wanted to touch. I blushed harder at my own thoughts.

He said, " No need to be embarrassed. I think I prefer you calling me Atticus. It makes me feel a bit younger." Atticus looked young. Not older than 35, but I supposed I could have been wrong. I finally lifted my gaze back to him. He was staring down at me, his hair still messy and glasses sliding down his nose again. I wanted to feel the stubble growing on his face. It had gray in it, but not much. His hair was the same. A few streaks of gray ran through it, the only sign that he might be older than I thought. 

I stepped away from him and said, " Well, I encourage you to take my advice Atticus. I'll be going now." He nodded a farewell to me and said, " Do stop by again, y/n."

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