Part 5

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Atticus Finch sat on his little porch swing in the mid-afternoon of Maycomb county. The sun was blocked by his porch so he was cast in shadow. I went up the steps of the Finch porch and paused for a moment. Atticus said, " Come now. Sit." I nodded, my face getting hot just from the sound of his voice. I hadn't ever heard such a smooth voice. It was low and reminded me of a stream running through a forest.

Before, when Atticus was sick, and I had been this close to him I hadn't realized how pleasant he smelled. He had a soft scent, but it was strong enough for the wind to carry it to the opposite side of the porch swing where I sat. The dark, clean, forest smell paired nicely with his voice. Not that I was paying that much attention to any of this though, I was just observant. That was all. I surely wouldn't continue thinking about his voice or the way he smelled in the future. I just so happened to notice, that was all.

Atticus's book was between us. He was reading Pride and Prejudice. I looked a bit closer. Surely a man like Atticus wouldn't be reading a romance such as that. Or perhaps he would. It dawned on me that I didn't actually know much about Atticus Finch as a person. I was inclined to ask about his book choice, but he seemed to read my mind. He said, " Jane Austin is a favorite of mine. Have you read anything of her's?" I smiled and said enthusiastically, " Of course I have. She's a favorite of mine as well. I've read the big three, those are my favorites, which I am in no way ashamed to admit I might add."

He chuckled, " I assume you mean Emma, Pride and Prejudice, and Persuasion, yes? I also enjoyed the other two as well, I haven't finished this one clearly."

" Yes, those are the ones I meant. I'm surprised you've read them all honestly. I didn't take you for an Austin fan."

" I suppose you wouldn't have. You don't know me all that well, do you?"

" I'm afraid not, but I could say the same for you, and yet here I am, sitting on your porch, Mr. Finch."

He raised one eyebrow. " So, it's Mr. Finch again, is it?"

" Well, you did say I didn't know you all that well. Doesn't it seem a bit familiar if I use your first name, sir?"

" Sir? I suppose you think I'm old now as well."

I laughed. He laughed too, a warm and full laugh that only echoed around us. It brought more warmth to my face. This man...I mean, what about him? Nothing, I'm sure.

Once we stopped laughing he said, " I can think of a remedy, both for us not knowing each other well and for you calling me Mr. Finch."

" Do they need remedies, Mr. Finch?"

" I believe they do, Miss y/n. I rather enjoy hearing you say my name, and I think I would also enjoy getting to know you better."

" Well then, Mr. Finch, I must admit that I think I would also enjoy getting to know you better."

He smiled and my stomach flipped, although I'm sure it was only because I was hungry. He said, " Good, then may I take you to dinner tomorrow? After you're finished with your work, of course. You could also consider it payment for your excellent health service."

" That would be lovely, Mr. Finch, and speaking of health services, how are you feeling? Has anything worsened? Have you been following what I advised?" Atticus smiled at me warmly, perhaps a bit too warmly, but I must have been imagining it. He said, " I have been Miss y/n. I'm feeling much better now. Well enough to be outside and talking to you it seems."

" Yes, I can see that, Mr. Finch."

He only kept smiling. I didn't mind it, I realized. I asked, trying to continue the conversation, " Where have the children gone?" He waved a hand in dismissal and said, " I'm sure they're playing somewhere near. They go off quite often during the summer. They're always back in time for dinner, though." He laughed when he said the last part and I did too. He said, " You know, Scout and Jem seem to have taken a liking to you. They talk about you quite often, when they're around at least."

" Have they? I mean, I noticed that they seemed to be interested in my comings and goings, but I thought it was because I was new in town."

" That is part of it, but Jem especially doesn't seem to stop talking about you. I wonder why..." He trailed off with a wry smile and a glance towards me. I laughed and said, " I'm sure you are fully aware of why Jem has taken a liking to me Mr. Finch and I'd implore you to tell him that nothing will come of it."

" Oh come now, he's only a boy. I don't want to break his heart that young." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

" Mr. Finch, I'm quite sure he is old enough."

" Do you think?"

" I do."

" Hmm, I suppose he is, but maybe I should leave it to you."

" No, I couldn't do that. He would be so sad! I couldn't!"

Atticus laughed and for the life of me I couldn't help but smile and admire that laugh. He said, " Alright, I'll speak to him, Miss y/n." I nodded, pleased. We sat in comfortable silence for a moment and then we both spoke at the same time. Atticus said, " Would you like to join me-" but I cut him off with, " I think I should get going now." I realized what he said and I said, " I'm sorry, what was it you were going to say?" He shook his head and smiled, " Nothing, I believe you're right. Have a lovely afternoon, Miss y/n."

I was disappointed, but didn't show it. I smiled back at him and said, " Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, Mr. Finch." He said a last goodbye and I walked down the steps and headed away from the Finch's porch.

Sick Days w/ Atticus FinchWhere stories live. Discover now