Part 2

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As the man opened his eyes, his long lashes fluttered and his light brown eyes looked at me. His eyebrows knitted together, then raised in question. I said, " Good morning sir, I'm the new nurse. My name is y/n. Your children went to fetch me to come check on you. I hear you aren't feeling very well." 

He visibly swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing as he did so. His eyes squeezed shut, showing that it pained him. I asked, " Would you like some water?" His voice was low and scratchy when he said, " No, thank you." I smiled softly. " Well, it sounds like you need it. I'll be right back." He tried to sit up, but faltered. I said, " Sir, clearly you don't feel well and it's my job to make sure you get better, so let me do it." He relaxed a bit, but was still a bit on edge.

I was going to walk to the kitchen to get him some water, but Calpurnia said, " I've got it ma'am. I'm sure you wouldn't know where to go anyhow." I nodded, blushing a bit. I had been so caught up in my work that our location slipped my mind. I went back to the man's bedside and said softly, as I knew he would have a headache, " Once you've had a drink would you mind if I asked a few questions?" He said, in that low, scratchy way, " No, ma'am, that would be perfectly fine." I nodded.

Calpurnia was back in a flash, a small glass of water in her hand. I took it and thanked her. She left the room as I handed it to...What was his name? I had forgotten. I said, " My first question is what your name is sir."

His voice was slightly more clear this time, " Atticus Finch." 

" Pleasure to meet you Mr. Finch."

" You as well Mrs..."

I said, " Oh, I'm not married, and Miss y/n would be fine."

He nodded. I asked, " I apologize if this is an intrusion on your privacy, but do you have a wife?" He smiled weakly. " No ma'am, I do not. I did once, but she's passed now." I nodded, smiling in a comforting way. I said, " Well, I think we should discuss this illness. How long have you been under the weather?"

He said, " Not long. Just since yesterday. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Which is why I didn't call Doctor Reynolds." 

I smiled. " You're right that it isn't anything to worry about, but it will get worse if you don't take care of yourself. I hear you haven't eaten in a while."

He seemed slightly taken aback. " I haven't." I nodded. " Well I suggest you get right to it. Finish your water and drink plenty more. I would suggest eating as much as possible, mostly warm and light foods like soup. Try to rest as well and as soon as your fever breaks send word. I'll be back around to check on you tomorrow, Mr. Finch." 

He nodded and thanked me. I stopped Calpurnia on my way out. I said, " Mr. Finch seems like the type to not want help. Be sure he gets plenty of liquids and eats enough food. His fever should be gone by tomorrow morning. I'll  be back to check on him then." She nodded and then scurried back into the kitchen.

The children were already off elsewhere, likely playing somewhere. I walked out of the house and began to head back towards Doctor Reynolds's office when a woman that looked to be the same age as Mr. Finch came up to me. She said, " Hello, I'm Miss Stephanie. Pleasure to meet you y/n. Would you like to come round for a cup of tea?" I said, " No ma'am, thank you. I really need to get back to Doctor Reynolds. How do you know my name?" She grinned widely.

" Well, everyone knows your name. I'm sure even that reclusive Boo Radley knows you. Someone new coming to Maycomb is very rare, so we've been talking about you ever since you got hired."

I nodded. That made sense, even if it was a bit creepy. MIss Stephanie tried to keep the conversation going, but I said I really needed to go and sped off. Thankfully, no one else stopped me on my journey. I finally reached my destination and went inside, sweat beading on my forehead. It was far too hot in Alabama.

Doctor Reynolds was sitting at a desk, newspaper in hand and radio playing. He said, " Well, welcome to your first day as a Maycomb nurse y/n. How did it go?" I sighed, wiping the sweat from my brow. " It was alright sir. Nothing too stressful, just the common cold." He nodded. " So, Atticus is alright then?' I nodded. " Yes sir, he'll be right as rain real soon. He seemed a bit stubborn though. Seemed like he didn't want to admit he was sick."

Doctor Reynolds chuckled. " That's just Atticus. He's a busy man, taking a few days off isn't much to his liking."

" What does he do?"

" He's Maycomb's lawyer and the best man in this town. Morally I mean."

I raised my eyebrows in question. What's so moral about him? He seemed fairly normal to me. Doctor Reynolds could tell what I was thinking and said, " You'll soon see that Maycomb is much worse than it appears." I wasn't sure that was even possible.

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