💖- ☕️🍮 Espresso x Madeleine

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Flirtatious All The Sudden?! Taken Off-Guard ☕️🍮?~

"Greetings Espresso! Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?~"

"Espresso open your window at least!"

"I have something for you Essy!~"

Ugh, the dark coffee magic user was getting really annoyed of how persistent Madeleine was with his romantic interest in him. But at the same time..he really admired it?

The cookie would come by his house often just to get his attention and flirt with him. Which he tried to ignore, but words the cookie said would come back to him.

Of course Espresso tried to deny his feelings for the niave paladin with a high ego. It's like everytime he tried to do that, his feelings for him became even stronger.

"Even though he's quite niave at times and egotistical...h-he can be very sweet and has a big heart. And honestly, I'm quite..attracted him physicaly and personality-wise."

"I don't want to be predictable when admitting I feel the same..hmm I think I have an idea~"

Espresso had an idea, and that was to flirt back with the knight. Be unpredictable and make him flustered. That would surely surprise him, which the dark coffee magic user would enjoy very much. Then he would have control for once instead of the other way around.

However he couldn't mess this up otherwise, Madeleine might figure him out.

So the next day comes around, and sure enough, the paladin arrives at his house.

"Hey Espresso, do you mind op-"

The cookie realizes that the other has answered the door, surprised that he actually decided to answer him.

"Hello Madeleine. What brings you here?"

"Oh! I um didn't expect you to answer haha! I just came by to check on you and such."

"Oh really? Hmm I don't think that's the case~"

The knight was confused by what the other cookie said, and before he could ask, Espresso spoke again.

"I'm surprised how you've been flirting with me all this time, and you haven't asked me out."

He leaned in closer towards Madeleine, caressing his right cheek as he smirked at him.

"Since it seems you really are romantically interested in me, and I may feel the same about you~"

The knights face heated up by what he just heard. Since when was Espresso so flirty? This had to be some joke right? But it didn't look like he was joking, it all seemed genuine.


"Do you want to perhaps, go out tonight?~ I know you want to handsome~" The dark coffee magic user replies as he leans in closer, trying to get a kiss.

Madeleine was very flustered and due to that as well as being very nervous, he panicked.

"I'm sorry but I have to go! I'll see you later!"

He ran off before Espresso could say a word...

"Did I say or do too much?...Was he uncomfortable?..Maybe I should give him some time."

So a few days go by and Madeleine hasn't stopped by his house, making him worry a bit.

"Maybe he's very busy these past few days. I just hope he's ok...

Then the next day comes around, and the knight shows up at Espressos house in the evening.

"My apologies if I made you uncomfort-"

"Come with me, I want to talk with you and show you something."


Madeline holds the other cookies hand as they walked together, making the two of them blush by the contact.

"I want to apologize for running away on you like that, I didn't mean to."

"No no I understand! After all you must have been uncomfortable and-"

"Espresso I...I wasn't uncomfortable with what you did! I really li-loved it..." The knight admitted in a embarrassed manner as his cheeks reddened more.

"Y-You did?" The dark coffee magic user replies as he looks back at the other in shock.

"Mhm, I just was really nervous in the moment...I didn't want to look like a fool."

"I don't care if you look like a fool or not, because you are always..adorable no matter what. I was worried that I said and did too much..."

"Awww that means a lot coming from you, and we're here!"

It was a little foresty area with what looked like a candlelight dinner underneath a beautiful decorated gazebo, and even if was a little cliche...Espresso found it very sweet and romantic.

"To make it up to you, I planned this out for us! I know it's a bit cliche so I understand if you don't-"

Espresso leaned in closer towards the paladin, stepped on his tippy toes, and kissed him on the cheek. Which definitely got a reaction from him, he gasped then smiled as he blushed a lot.

"I love it, thank you Madeleine."

Madeleine pulled the shorter cookie closer towards him, leaning his face closer to the others.

"Y-You're welcome, but..I think you missed~"

Espresso reciprocated by leaning closer as well, their lips inches apart. Both cookies hearts were racing as they gazed into each others eyes.

"Really, pulling that card on me? You know you could just ask love~"

"I know but you just take my breath away, darling~"

And with that said, the knight closed the gap between the two of them, the two finally having their first kiss they always wanted.

The smaller cookie played with the taller ones hair as he kissed him, which Madeleine really loved and enjoyed as he caressed Espressos waist with his left hand and his cheek with his right one.

Oh the coffee magic user loved the paladins touch so much! It made him feel so tingly inside.

Both cookies pulled away, gazing lovingly into each others eyes, happy that they could do this and be honest about how they felt ☕️🍮.

Requested by- -PutANameHere-

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