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===Chapter 156 The Crown of Victory in the Safe Sanatorium===

Chapter 156


Hearing this, Lu Si and the others were stunned, turned their heads one after another, asked Wen Jianyan in shock, and asked in disbelief.

"Huh? What did you say?"

Although they have never really been in contact with a doctor, but according to Wen Jianyan's previous description, even if it is only a simplified version, it is definitely a tricky and ruthless character to go to the other party's treatment room. It's sending the initiative to the tiger's mouth!

Hearing this, the expressions of the hosts involuntarily became serious.

"No way..." Su Cheng's eyes widened, he took a breath, and lowered his voice subconsciously: "Are you really going to the treatment room next?"


Wen Jianyan blinked at Su Cheng, then changed the subject lightly, and said, "However, to be precise, the only option is to go."

"Ah?" Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while: "Wait, what are you thinking?"

"You should have passed the map of Ping An Nursing Home, right?" Wen Jianyan easily recounted the contents of the map without blinking, "There are two buildings on the east and west, four floors on the ground and two floors below the ground. The treatment room is in the east. On the fourth floor of the west building, the yard and archives are on the fourth floor of the west building, right?"


Su Cheng nodded hesitantly.

Although he had seen the map, he didn't have a deep impression of the specific content inside, so he could barely draw an outline in his mind.

"The east and west buildings of Ping An Nursing Home are exactly symmetrical, and the areas on both sides should be roughly the same," Wen Jianyan lowered his eyes and said thoughtfully:

"However, there is only one treatment room on the east side, and the area is not too large."

There are hospital rooms and archives rooms on the west side, but there are only treatment rooms on the east side. If the area of the treatment room is large enough, it doesn't make sense, but according to Wen Jianyan's personal experience——

The room area of the treatment room is far from occupying the whole floor.

"What you mean is...the fourth floor of the East Building, besides the treatment room, are there other rooms?"

Lu Si was startled, and immediately understood the hidden thoughts in Wen Jianyan's words. He narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "It's just that it wasn't marked on the map?"


Wen Jianyan shrugged and replied ambiguously.

He, Lu Si, said: "If you still act together with us, during the time you enter the treatment room, you can take the opportunity to explore the remaining area on the fourth floor of the east building, and you may find unexpected discoveries. "

Of course, if there is a choice, Wen Jianyan would actually prefer someone else to be the bait, and he would explore the fourth floor.

But the problem is...

Dr. Reiss is really difficult to deal with, and besides, the other party revealed that he is closely related to the changes that happened on the second basement floor, and his attention to Zi Ruo Ruo Wu, Wen Jianyan had to Bite the bullet and take the initiative to be the "bait" to contact the other party.

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