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===Chapter 331 Prosperous Hotel===

This is not Wen Jianyan's guesswork.

Since the small road in front of you and the painting shop on the small road are all made by humans like the Changying Building in the previous instance, no matter how distorted it is in the later stage, the original The concept should be the same.

It is 【Protection】 and 【Barrier】.

This is a road that can lead to the depths of the world. Since the first two shops on this road sell human skins and masks, they can help humans disguise themselves as "ghosts". Come into this space.

Therefore, all existences on this road are ghosts recognized by the rules.

And the painting shop is established by human beings.

Then, how to prevent non-human beings from entering the painting shop?

Wen Jianyan's eyes fell on the ajar door, and he took a deep breath slowly.

This may be the answer.

After Wen Jianyan's voice fell, everyone couldn't help being startled, and Qiqi fell into silence.

A road that only ghosts can walk on, and a shop door that only humans can open...

Although Wen Jianyan's conclusion was logically impeccable, it also brought about a new problem that was almost unavoidable.

If you push the door and enter, you will inevitably be deprived of your status as a ghost by the door of the painting shop. Since you are a human, you will be noticed by the corpses around you.

They have never been attacked by ghosts before, just because they believe that they are the same as themselves.

And if these corpses are found to be human...

Probably not as harmless as before.

What happened when Chen Mo pushed the door just now is still fresh in their memory.

Although the corpses have now moved away from sight and started to wander slowly and stiffly again, when they think of the feeling when they were watched by the group of corpses just now, everyone still can't help but feel a chill behind them,

However, if they maintain their status as ghosts, they will not be able to enter the door.

This is an unsolvable paradox.

Huang Mao suggested: "What if you use props to draw the ghost's attention away, and then take the opportunity to push the door in?"

"Yes, yes, but..." Chen Mo frowned deeply, "The level of this instance is too high, so there are not many items that can work in this instance, and the items sold in the system store are definitely No, at least one hidden item from a instance of the same difficulty is required."

The air fell into silence.

Chen Mo calmly analyzed:

Even if we do lure them away, what should we do next?

If they push the door directly, the mask will shatter, and they will have to return as humans.

And if they take the initiative to remove the disguise in advance... it will bring new problems.

No one knows now, after he took the initiative to strip off the ghost's disguise, whether he would be excluded from this road.

After all, theoretically speaking, this is a road that only ghosts can tread.

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