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===Chapter 206 Changsheng Building is still at this level and still comes out to flirt with girls...===

Chapter 206

Behind, the swaying oil lamp casts dim light, illuminating the small shop.

The thin clothes were lifted above the head, becoming the only barrier between the darkness and the light, so fragile that it could not be easily attacked.

Everyone's spirit is under great pressure, but he can't do anything, he can only maintain the current posture, hold his breath, and wait quietly.

Through the half-closed glass door, one could smell the suffocating rotten stench pouring in through the crack of the door.

There was a dead silence around my ears.

Suddenly, the sound of "scratching" from the soles rubbing against the ground made the heart rise to the throat, the blood rushed, and the muscles tightened instinctively, almost unable to restrain the urge to run away——

The next second, footsteps came from the door again.

"Da da da......"

This time, the sound is getting smaller and farther away...

In other words, the "person" in front of the door seems to have turned around and walked in another direction.

After realizing a little bit, Qi Qian's shoulders suddenly loosened. Although he still maintained the posture of lifting his clothes, his whole body relaxed.

He blinked and wiped off the cold sweat that was about to fall into his eyes on his arm.

He also took a gamble just now.

After all, it takes time for the prophet to move, and the crisis of the door is already approaching, I didn't expect it to be successful...

"Stay in your position."

The nursery rhyme voice came from behind, "I'll fix it for you from behind."

She quickly exchanged strong scotch tape from the store, and then quickly stepped forward, while the person remained motionless, fixed all the clothes and stuck them firmly to the wall.

Soon, a large door curtain made of clothes was formed, completely blocking the entire glass door.

After confirming that there was nothing missing, everyone took a long breath, let go of their hands, and retreated slightly from the door.

The footsteps at the door had disappeared, leaving only a vast silence.

After realizing that the danger had temporarily disappeared, An Xin's nervous expression faded away, and he resumed his previous slick tongue: "Oh, I was really almost worried just now."

While talking, he looked at Wen Jianyan at the side again, and approached with a smile:

"Look, I've said it all, as long as the captain is here, everything will be fine."

The dim yellow light is applied to the fair side face, reflecting the already "colorful" facial features more deeply, the long eyelashes seem to be covered with gold powder, and the depths of a pair of amber "colored" eyeballs are swaying and shattering Light.

He turned his head and stared thoughtfully at the oil lamp on the counter not far away.

But in just a few minutes, the tears on his face had long since disappeared, and the fragility, softness, and fragile beauty like a slender flower was replaced by a deeper and more meaningful expression.

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