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===Chapter 181 Ping An Sanatorium In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...===

Chapter 181

When reaching the number on the nameplate, Wen Jianyan's heart suddenly constricted for a moment.

05? !

The previous experience on the negative second floor flashed in his mind.

There are a total of five rooms on the second floor, from 01 to 04. The sequence of the patients in the corresponding wards is now in this laboratory. According to this logic, the patients in compartment 05 should be the patients in the last ward.

But the problem is... In the Ping An Sanatorium, Wen Jianyan had never seen this patient numbered 05.

In the meantime, he always explained it as "luck". After all, the map of the copy of Ping An Sanatorium is really huge, and high-risk patients also have many opportunities to go to different areas. However, the moment they suddenly arrived at compartment 05, a Things that have been ignored for a long time, but clearly visible, come roaring.

Wen Jianyan suddenly realized...

This is an existence that he has never met before, and has not been understood at all from beginning to end.

He raised his eyes subconsciously, looking forward to the faceless Dr. Reese.

At this moment, the other party was taking out the key card from his breast pocket, and walking towards the door unhurriedly.

Wen Jianyan squinted his eyes, recalling what the faceless man who led the way for him said just now - according to the meaning in the other party's words, the existence of No. 05 seems to be very special, maybe it has something to do with the so-called "plan", or even It may have an unclear relationship with the basic framework of the entire copy.

The narrow card was swiped lightly in front of the metal door, making a "drop" sound.

The doctor turned his head "to" Wen Jianyan, turned his gentle side, and said:

"Father, please."

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, subconsciously stroked the leather cover of the Bible twice with her fingertips, and then walked towards the open door.

The first reaction was... black.

Thick darkness shrouded the road in front of him, almost as if he couldn't see his fingers.

Wen Jianyan blinked, only feeling that whether she closed her eyes or opened them, it made no difference.

There was a clear metallic sound from behind, as if the door was closing behind him, and the light outside the laboratory was completely hidden behind it, leaving only a viscous, impenetrable darkness.

Bang bang, bang bang.

The sound of the heartbeat rang in the ear, almost seeming a little noisy.

Suddenly, Dr. Reese's voice came from the side:

"Father, are you all right?"

Wen Jianyan was taken aback.

What he didn't expect was that Dr. Reese would follow in instead of staying outside like the others.

"This patient is very sensitive to light. For your safety, the next exorcism ceremony will be performed with the lights turned off."

The sound of cloth rubbing against each other sounded in the darkness, as if Dr. Reese was walking in his direction.

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